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From IBM Integration Bus to App Connect Enterprise in containers – a new series

By Kim Clark posted Tue November 23, 2021 09:41 AM


You may have noticed we’ve started a new series of blogs focused on customers who are looking at moving to App Connect Enterprise on containers. We will update this blog regularly so you can use it as a “table of contents” for the series. A shortcut to this post is

The target audience is customers with potentially decades of knowledge on App Connect Enterprise and its predecessors, but perhaps little to no knowledge of containers or Kubernetes. So there’ll be plenty of explanation of concepts, terms and technology along the way. The series is a practical manifestation of some of the core concepts of agile integration.

The series will progress from a basic scenario, getting a simple flow running on containers, to exploring high availability, through to scenarios with MQ, creating CICD pipelines and more.

The first few scenarios are now available. Take a look, let us know if they are useful, and give us thoughts on what you’d like to see later in the series. On a related note, please also feel free to check out the Dec 1st 2021 webinar "Migrating to App Connect Enterprise 12".

This first set of posts examine how to achieve common scenarios using containers

Scenario 1: Deploying a simple flow on Docker - Introduces the App Connect certified container

Scenario 2: Deploying a simple flow on Red Hat OpenShift

2a: Deploying on OpenShift via the Command Line Interface (CLI) - Introduces Operators, and Configuration objects
2b: Deploying on OpenShift via the App Connect Dashboard - Introduces the App Connect Dashboard

Scenario 3: Load balancing and autoscaling a simple App Connect flow - Discusses Kubernetes replication. Introduces "pods". Summarizes some advanced scaling topics.

Scenario 4: Deploying an IBM MQ queue manager in a container

4a: Creating a queue manager in OpenShift from the Command Line - Introduces ConfigMaps and Secrets
4b: Creating a queue manager in OpenShift from the Web Console

Scenario 5

5a: Moving an App Connect flow using MQ onto containers
5b: Scaling ACE integrations that use MQ request/reply

Scenario 6: Moving an App Connect flow that connects to a database onto containers

Scenario 7: Installing the IBM App Connect Operator on Amazon EKS

Scenario 8: Migrating Global Cache to Java Hashmap on containers

This second set explore the underlying technology and concepts

The IBM App Connect Operator

Part 1 - What is an Operator and why did we create one for IBM App Connect?

Part 2 - Exploring the IntegrationServer resource of the IBM App Connect Operator

Getting Practical with Operators in IBM App Connect (webinar from TechCon 2022)

Deployment in containers

Splitting up the ESB: Grouping Integrations in a Containerized Environment

Comparing styles of container deployment for IBM App Connect (a.k.a baked vs fried!)

ACE Containers: Choosing a base image

App Connect Enterprise Container Image Hierarchies - A Practical Example

Deploying App Connect Enterprise applications from a CI/CD pipeline

App Connect Enterprise destination-agnostic pipelines and testing

App Connect Enterprise CI builds with on-demand service provisioning of datastores

ACE shared classes and containers

ACE in containers - Troubleshooting handbook

Disaster recovery

Extracting configuration of an IBM App Connect environment on Kubernetes


