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IBM StepZen Graph Server is now available!

By Gabriel Marte Blanco posted Thu July 13, 2023 12:00 AM


We are thrilled to announce that IBM StepZen Graph Server has GA’d on June 30, 2023! 

IBM StepZen Graph Server is a GraphQL server that allows developers to build APIs using declarative configurations, so that they can write less code. GraphQL APIs built with StepZen are secure and performant by nature, since they run in an in-memory, Goland-based GraphQL engine, deployed on Kubernetes.

Benefits of IBM StepZen Graph Server

With GraphQL, companies can iterate faster on their APIs and application development by creating a unified GraphQL API layer for all their data.

  • Build GraphQL APIs faster and with less code: IBM StepZen Graph Server takes a declarative programming approach by using declarative building blocks without the need for custom code. This translates into more intuitive code, better runtime performance, and faster time to value.

  • Let IBM StepZen Graph Server do the heavy lifting: With a few lines of declarative code, you can connect your backend data sources, including SQL, NoSQL, REST, SOAP/XML, and GraphQL, and have a working GraphQL API in minutes.

  • Keep slow APIs out of the UX equation: With code written declaratively, StepZen’s runtime engine can parse the backend calls and create an optimal execution plan that includes caching, memorization, parallelization, and combining multiple calls into one (N+1 problem).

IBM StepZen Graph Server Features

With IBM StepZen Graph Server you can build and deploy a production-level GraphQL API in minutes.

  • Declarative building blocks: With IBM StepZen Graph Server’s declarative approach, GraphQL APIs (and federated graphs, sometimes called supergraphs) are built by composing GraphQL building blocks to create the GraphQL schema. Strong introspection capabilities mean a GraphQL model for enterprise data can be constructed and composed with only a few lines of code.

  • Command-line interface (CLI): The StepZen CLI allows you to easily manage your schemas, configurations, and endpoints. With a CLI-first approach and a framework in which everything is code file-based, APIs built in StepZen easily and naturally fit into CI/CD pipelines. 

  • Testing and reporting: GraphQL APIs built with StepZen can be tested and managed through a web-based dashboard. The dashboard also allows you to monitor the performance of your GraphQL APIs.

  • Enterprise-level security: With StepZen, queries, mutations, and subscriptions have standards-based, easy-to-use enforcement mechanisms for authorization and authentication to ensure your APIs and data are well protected.

IBM StepZen Graph Server case studies

Want to learn how other companies are leveraging IBM StepZen Graph Server to consistently deliver value to their customers? Read our case studies below!

  • Komax: Building a data delivery layer that keeps pace

  • Persistent: Delivering a global view of people and projects

  • Work & Co: Boosting productivity between employees and managers

More Resources around IBM StepZen Graph Server

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