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What’s new in DataPower Operations Dashboard v1.0.8.5

By Fernando Barsoba posted Wed October 31, 2018 04:44 PM

We just released our version v1.0.8.5 of DataPower Operations Dashboard (DPOD), IBM’s monitoring and problem determination solution for applications that are secured and optimized by DataPower Gateways. This latest version brings a myriad of new features particularly around API Connect transaction analysis. But that's not all of it. We have added new features around DevOps, Performance, and a new cool, slick UI theme. Let’s look at these new features in more detail.

API Connect Integration

The first that you will notice in v1.0.8.5 as you switch to the API Connect product view is the great number of new dashboards that we have added. Among the most important ones are the new APIs activity, latency, HTTP response codes, and consumers view dashboards.

Also, there is a new dashboard that will allow you to compare latency between API version, which will surely come in handy to your API developers as they are comparing performance of different version for the same API. We have complemented that with a new dashboard that allows you to compare API assembly policies between APIs or versions.

And we added filters have been  to API Connect product view fields with auto-complete, such as catalog, space, product, plan, API name, API version, and consumer application name.

Also, we have expanded our API Connect Early Failed transactions view to include APIs as well. So now you can detect those transactions that never made it to the policy execution phase and troubleshoot the cause for that failure.


Our customers have been asking for a DevOps features that would allow them to import services into multiple devices from DPOD... and we have delivered!

With the new import service DevOps feature, you can select one  service and deploy them to one or many devices, apply deployment policies or even do a dry run before executing import operations to make sure that there will not be any errors.

Another new DevOps new functionality is the ability to read custom JSON from the service comment and populate a searchable description in DPOD's Services portal page, which will certainly help keeping track of different service versions.


With DPOD v1.0.8.5 we continue in our journey to multi-cloud architecture by delivering a new cell based deployment model based around the creation of cells. Now DPOD processing can be distributed across different federated servers in order to handle very high transaction loads (we are talking about 10s of thousands of transactions per second!)

B2B Transactions

We have added B2B functionality to the Raw messages view, which can now be filtered by From/To B2B Partner Profiles

Reports and Alerts

The JSON strings in reports and alerts can have now named parameters, which will help in the report and alert creation process.


And last but not least, the new UI theme, which will deliver a more modern and pleasant UX experience.

All in all, the latest DPOD v1.0.8.5 is a release with one goal in mind: improve your overall experience with DPOD and allow you to more effectively help you with your the problem determination activities of your API Connect and DataPower infrastructure.

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