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IBM TechXchange Conference Session: 1649 Mastering Enterprise- Level GraphQL: Hands-on with StepZen and API Connect

By Brian Pagano posted Fri August 25, 2023 07:29 PM


API Connect and Stepzen are a great match.  We'll cover how to use API Connect as a control plane for APIs and how to use Stepzen for quick creation and federation of graphQL from diverse back-ends.  We'll cover the whole lifecycle and how this combination can boost any API program.  Come see how much fun graphQL be. 

Session ID: 1649

Date: 09/11/2023 12:30 PM

Room: Boulevard 161

Top 3 things that will be learned:

  • Get started using Stepzen
  • Connect to databases and REST APIs
  • Use API Connect to manage the newly created graphQL API

Make sure you register for the: TechXchange Conference from Sept 11-Sept 14th in Las Vegas.

