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APIC Shell Script to create a consumer org along with its owner.

By Amit Kumar Singh posted 2 days ago


We usually create consumer org mainly via API Manager console but with evolving CICD world and cases where we need to create several Consumer orgs, we might want to automate it.

Below is a sample script which can be used to create a Consume Org along with its owner (This example assume we are loading user in Local User Registry).


if [ -z "$1" ]; then

  echo "Error: APIC platform api url not provided. Please provide platform api url as a command line argument."

  exit 1


server=$1 # provider server as command line argument

#porg details






# build consumer user file

echo "username: user1">cOrg-user.txt

echo "email: user1@example.com">>cOrg-user.txt

echo "first_name: User">>cOrg-user.txt

echo "last_name: Test">>cOrg-user.txt

echo "password: Passw0rd">>cOrg-user.txt

# build consumer org file

echo "name: TestCOrg">cOrg.txt

echo "title: TestCOrg">>cOrg.txt

# apic login

./apic login --username $user --password $password --server $server --realm  $realm

sleep 1

echo create new user in catalog:$catalog

# create user

result=$(./apic users:create --server $server --org $porg_name --user-registry $catalog-catalog cOrg-user.txt)

echo $result

# get user url

userurl=$(echo $result | cut -d' ' -f 4)

echo $userurl

# add userurl as owner_url in Corg file

owner_url="owner_url: $userurl"

echo $owner_url>>cOrg.txt

echo create new consumer org

# create consumer org with user created above as owner

./apic consumer-orgs:create --server $server --org $porg_name --catalog $catalog cOrg.txt

sleep 2

echo consumer org and owner created

# apic logout

./apic logout --server $server

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