The UK's Royal Mail Group is one of the oldest mail carriers in the world – pre-dated only by the mail services of Portugal, and of the Roman Empire. The modern Royal Mail, explains Martin Moore (Royal Mail Platform Director), has been innovating with cloud for some time – exposing its APIs in a controlled and secure way, and helping the business understand its customers' needs. Martin and Karen Dewar (IBM Vice President) discuss the competitive advantages that IBM Cloud brings to Royal Mail Group.
Please look at
this video to hear about Royal Mail’s journey in their own words:
Here are a few thoughts captured from the video and I have linked to blogs for your use that dive deeper into the concepts that Martin discusses:

- Royal mail is an innovator in their use of cloud technologies to drive competitive advantage into their business.
- Started with IBM API Connect on IBM Public Cloud to drive access to APIs in a secure way to their customers. Project took 3 months from inception to delivery.
- Gained significant value from Analytics to understand what customers were doing with their APIs.
- Since the initial success have moved to a dedicated IBM cloud platform to allow for a highly scalable solution and provide a good foundation for the future.
- The business competitive advantage is Speed. Royal Mail can on-board customers in a handful of hours or days instead of what used to take weeks or months. And, the method for on-boarding is far more secure and modern which makes the customers happier and Royal Mail is happier.
- Royal Mail still want to innovate more, implementing a “fail fast” mindset.
- Key considerations include how to govern and manage your multi-cloud environment. They also want to move forward and modernize their traditional hub and spoke integration approach creating an agile integration architecture and be cloud agnostic.
To understand more about IBM’s thoughts on Digital Transformation and the API Economy visit the IBM
API Economy website. IBM API Connect is IBM’s complete foundation to Create, Secure, Manage, Test, and Monitor APIs. You can find more information about IBM API Connect at the
API Connect website. And you can also experience a
trial version of API Connect.
If you have questions, please let me know. Connect with me on
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@Arglick to continue the discussion.