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Congratulations to the students who attended the 2024 Fall IBM Db2 for z/OS Master Class. These folks are the first class to receive the newly established IBM Advanced Professional Db2 Master Class Badge . Frank Villegas, Merve Tantan, Nicholas Peterson, Prasad Mocharla, Ratnesh Sinha,...
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J ust a few of the many posts we received in the "How Do You Create?" member discussion thread Hugh Everett (left)is an IBM Integration User Group UK leader and actor. Photography by Mark Peterson of Cognos Analytics...
Expert Labs Training is pleased to announce the availability of the new Create, Secure, and Publish APIs with IBM API Connect 10 course. This 5-day course teaches you how to configure a newly built API Connect 10 environment. In this course, you learn how to configure a catalog with the...
The IBM Community is a thriving network of over 200,000 product users, experts, learners, and teachers, spanning over a dozen product and topic areas. Our community utilizes a gamification program to thank you for your contributions and to reward your engagement. You may have earned badges you...
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As a member of the IBM User Experience Program, you improve the products you use everyday. You have contributed innovative ideas working along side our user research and design teams which has enabled a deeper understanding of your use cases and unique requirements. T his year alone, we...
New courses and certifications from IBM help IT professionals prepare for large-scale, enterprise-grade cloud deployments. Role-based courses with hands-on exercises provide a fast path to cloud enablement. Organizations need up-to-date cloud skills to manage the complexity of multiple cloud...
Add one or multiple of these tags to the content you are posting by entering the # symbol, typing your desired tag, and clicking the applicable option when it appears. DataOps Tagging List AI - #AI #badges #beta #certification ...