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Take advantage of an exclusive and extraordinary opportunity to boost and enhance your knowledge of Db2 for z/OS. Taught by esteemed instructors, Anthony Ciabattoni, Michal Bialecki, Bob Tilkes, and Frances Villafuerte, learn directly from the official IBM Db2 for z/OS SWAT team about the latest...
Introduction An OpenShift Container Platform cluster featuring multi-architecture compute machines is designed to accommodate diverse computing architectures. Specifically, this cluster configuration is accessible on IBM Z user-provisioned infrastructures, wherein the control plane...
The January Edition of the IBM Z®Software Newsletter for Application Developers, Enterprise Architects and System Programmers provides an abundance of announcements, beta programs, and trials of products such as CICSTransaction Server, OMEGAMON for IMS , IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Go, and more...
January 2021 IBM Z Software Newsletter.pdf
The IBM Z Software newsletter are mailed for the subscribed users, and the following (monthly) cadence Application Developers, System Programmers and Enterprise Architects (January, April, July and October) Developers and Architects (February, May, August and November) ...
12 attachments
この製品、ソフトウェアのサポートはいつまでですか? という質問を受けることがありますが、以下のサイトでカンタンに分かります。 Software lifecycle https://www.ibm.com/support/home/pages/lifecycle/ ここで、知りたいソフトウェアの検索ワードを以下の画面に入力してSearchを押すだけ。 例えば、TSMなら以下のように出てきます。General availabilityはリリースされた日、End of Supportがサポートが切れる日です...
Scott S. left a comment on my blog discussing use cases across all industries asking me to cover API use cases in the Software industry. I like to be responsive to requests, so Scott here it is. Many of the use cases associated with businesses in the Software industry are the same as...
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