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Build the Future, Today: Join Us for an AI-Powered Event in October! Are you ready to explore the future of AI and how it will impact your role and the technology you use? Join us this October for an exciting event where you'll get to: Discover the Latest Advancements in AI Dive into the...
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Meet Paul Mendelson, a Senior Solutions Architect or Product Manager at PMsquare. He has been an IBM Champion for last 6 years!. With more than 15 years in the industry, Paul is well versed with all phases of the data lifecycle. From planning a warehouse, implementing the ETL, to building...
Ronald Heerema is an Enterprise Architect for the Dutch Tax Office (DTO ), known in Dutch as B elastingdienst , overseeing the document management and archiving implementation on the content management infrastructure, which is built on IBM Content Services (FileNet). After completing a Master...
Alex Porcelli is the Chief Architect for Business Automation Manager Open Edition , often referred to as BAMOE . While the IBM Business Automation portfolio deploys Open Source point solutions in its products, BAMOE is the first completely open source product. It encompasses both Decision...
As we begin 2023, I’m turning the Community Spotlight to shine on a hero of mine, an innovator, capture pioneer and stalwart of the Business Automation Community, Mr. Tom Stuart , who departed this earthly domain in December. Obituary . There are many among this Community that are...
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In the Middle Ages, the Guild system produced a professional education pathway that began with “apprentices,” who would work and study with an older practitioner, and eventually they would become “journeymen.” If they continued to hone their craft, after a long period of work they could attain...
Get to know Tom Huntington Hi, I’m Tom Huntington, Executive Vice President of Technical Solutions for HelpSystems. My role is to share technology talks with customers on Power from around the world. I specialize in automation, high availability, security, and development around IBM Power...