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Axway is modernizing its development platform for the benefit of its customers to distribute the new technologies provided by IBM. In collaboration with our partner Corelia , Axway is investing in a new Mainframe IBM Z16 platform which uses the #Telum processor, IBM's latest innovation,...
During my 20 years of working in IP networks I’ve had more than a few horror stories when it comes to change control chaos. In recent years the majority of horror stories have been around cloud migration work. In theory, these kinds of changes should be really simple. We’re moving an...
読者の皆様、タッキーです。 お客様やパートナー様との会話からの学び、最新ニュースから私的で旬なトピックをタッキー Blog として連載投稿しています。 本日のトピックも、今秋に開催される技術者の祭典 IBM TechXchange Conference Japan についてです。 前回 はまだ申込み開始前でしたが、とうとう申し込み Web ページが公開され、セッション受付が開始されました! 申し込みWebページは こちら https://ibm.biz/techxchangejp...
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読者の皆様、ストレージ・テクニカル・セールスの佐々木です。タッキーの愛称で呼ばれています。 お客様やパートナー様との会話からの学び、最新ニュースから私的で旬なトピックをタッキー Blog として連載投稿していきます。 さて、初投稿のトピックは、今秋に開催される技術者の祭典 IBM TechXchange Conference Japan についてです。 まだ、申込 Web ページも公開されておりませんがフライングでストレージに関するセッションを紹介しちゃいます。 ところで、 TechXchange って...
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Data breaches have been growing in number and scale, while at the same time, taking longer to detect and contain. IBM Security’s annual Cost of a Data Breach Report, conducted by the Ponemon Institute, reported an average total cost of a data breach that is at its highest of 17 years, at $4.24...
IBM Wazi Developer enables cloud native hybrid application development spanning IBM Z and multi-cloud platforms using a standard DevOps toolchain. This empowers developers by providing a consistent and familiar development experience for IBM z/OS. Now, Whats new in V1.2 of Wazi Developer? ...
Available Now! What's New in IBM Wazi Developer : Bring Your Own (BYO) IDE for Cloud Native Development Trial Hello Everyone, We are excited to announce a trial of BYOIDE for cloud native development. With this trial, you will experience the IDEs (Eclipse® or Microsoft® VS Code™) integrated...
We are excited to announce our new Z Trial: Bring Your Own (BYO) IDE for cloud native development. With this trial, you will experience various IDEs (Eclipse® or Microsoft® VS Code™) integrated with modern SCMs, such as Git, to develop a z/OS application and build a pipeline with Jenkins. ...
VMWare In The Age Of Containers VMWare’s attempt to survive in a world of containers and ever expanding public clouds has led them towards an acquisition and innovation approach, with the emphasis on acquisition. One aspect of this strategy is leveraging their enormous installed private ...
As Leif announced, Cloud Pak for Integration's 4Q release 2020.4.1 GAed on Friday. Every component of Cloud Pak for Integration is built to be 100% kubernetes native, deployed and managed by Operators, and delivered using what I describe as an 'appstore-like' experience out of the...