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API Connect and Stepzen are a great match. We'll cover how to use API Connect as a control plane for APIs and how to use Stepzen for quick creation and federation of graphQL from diverse back-ends. We'll cover the whole lifecycle and how this combination can boost any API program. Come see...
We are thrilled to announce that IBM StepZen Graph Server has GA’d on June 30, 2023! IBM StepZen Graph Server is a GraphQL server that allows developers to build APIs using declarative configurations, so that they can write less code. GraphQL APIs built with StepZen are secure and...
Authored by Anant Jhingran - IBM Fellow and V ice P resident , IBM Integration For over a decade, REST APIs have been the gold standard for APIs. REST has become the predominant pattern (replacing SOAP/XML) because of its simplicity, and availability of tooling around...