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Product versions - (Software AG Cloud: 11.0.x and CIDaaS v3.100.14) Introduction Setting up SSO in the Software AG Cloud (SAG Cloud) with CIDAAS as the IDP is a process that requires some setup in both environments. It requires information from both environments, so it makes sense to open...
皆さん、こんにちはタッキーです。 2024年5月に東京 と大阪 で開催するStorage TechXchange イベントについてご案内します。 今回は 『IBM Japan Storage TechXchange 2024~事例から学ぶストレージ技術の最新トレンド~』 と題しましてお客様、パートナー様、RedHat様、NVIDIA様と コンテナ、AI、セキュリティー、サステナビリティー をテーマにお話しします。 お申し込みはこちらからお早めにお願いします。 東京会場 お申し込み: http://www.ibm.biz/storage event...
In this video, Troy Leach, CSO, Cloud Security Alliance, sits down with IBM Chief Risk Officer Aly Farooqui to discuss trends and emerging areas in financial services. You will hear about some of the hottest topics in financial services for 2024, such as: Generative AI use cases in...
It's less than a month until the IBM TechXchange conference in Las Vegas! There are lots of exciting content within the Data Security Track, and my colleagues and I cannot wait to discuss the latest and greatest items in our Guardium sessions and hands-on labs. We've got sessions that cover...
APIs are everywhere. They enable business innovation and power mission critical operations for enterprises. With the growing dependence of businesses upon APIs, the awareness for the need to secure and protect APIs is increasing as well. A lot has already been said and written about the need...
Lately, API security has become an extremely hot topic. Take a quick glance at the OWASP Top 10 for API Security and you can see the types of threats that are emerging. Furthermore, as more and more businesses depend on publicly available APIs for things like mobile application support and...