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  • 1.  Code Engine custom domain

    Posted Thu April 28, 2022 12:18 AM
    Edited by Sam Hobbs Thu April 28, 2022 12:29 AM
    Where or how can I get help configuring a custom domain for Code Engine applications? I have created an application and project in Code Engine. It is just a sample but I want to first ensure I can use a custom domain.

    Most articles I find say to use Code Foundry. That is different from Code Engine, correct? I have found Deploying an app across multiple regions with a custom domain name that suggests using Cloud Internet Services (CIS) that costs $270 a month or more.

    I tried asking Custom domain for object storage static site | Cloud Global and that got no response. I decided that it is not possible to use the apex (root) domain name with object storage static sites. So I am attempting to use Code Engine for my sites.

    If the documentation exists then I just need to know where. If we are to use Code Foundry for that then perhaps I just need assurance it is not a waste of time to continue that route.

    Sam Hobbs

  • 2.  RE: Code Engine custom domain

    Posted Sat April 30, 2022 12:21 PM
    Hi Sam,

    Cloud Foundry and Code Engine are indeed two different ways to run your applications in IBM Cloud. Code Engine is a much more flexible (and cost-efficient) service and we would recommend using it.

    There is currently no "built-in" way to configure custom domains for Code Engine, but it's a widely requested feature and we are currently working on it. However, we have no committed release date for it yet. Until we have native support for custom URLs in Code Engine, you have two options.

    The first is going via CIS, which you have already found in the documentation. It's mostly suitable for our large enterprise customers and might not be cost-effective for individual developers.

    For those, we would suggest signing up for the free plan at and then allowing Cloudflare to manage your custom domain. You then deploy a worker that points to the domain running on Code Engine. This approach is free of charge and comes with additional advantages (e.g. DDOS protection) for your site. We are currently in the process of writing a step-by-step tutorial on this approach, which will be published on by 5/5. So please keep an eye out for it and let us know if this solves your problem.


    Uwe Fassnacht

  • 3.  RE: Code Engine custom domain

    Posted Mon May 02, 2022 09:33 AM
    Thank you, Uwe. That is all I need.

    The possibility of it not being supported did not occur to me. Code Engine seems to be an excellent way to get started with IBM Cloud and real (custom) domain names is an important feature, probably the only feature required to make Code Engine awesome.

    Sam Hobbs

  • 4.  RE: Code Engine custom domain

    Posted Mon May 02, 2022 09:41 AM
    Hi Sam,

    the native support for custom domains is one of our top requested features and we are working on it. But in the meantime you'll either have to go via the CIS-route or use the free tier (blog post should be up on Thursday).

    Let me know if there is anything else we can help you with regarding Code Engine, we even have a slack channel that you could join for faster interaction with our dev team: IBM Cloud Docs


  • 5.  RE: Code Engine custom domain

    Posted Mon May 02, 2022 02:56 PM
    Edited by Doug Moran Mon May 02, 2022 04:20 PM
    Thank you. I have submitted the request for Slack and it was accepted.

    I have set up my domain in Cloudflare but it has a SSL problem. I hope the article on Thursday covers that.

    I did encounter the problem of exceeding my storage quota and I was confused about what was using storage. I found the command prompt (CLI) commands for that and the problem is resolved but I just wanted to say that I was unable to find that information in the dashboard; take that as a suggestion.

    I admit I also posted this question to Webmasters in the Stack Exchange forums and I do try to avoid posting the same question to multiple places simultaneously. I see you suggest we use the StackOverflow forum instead of Webmasters. I previously submitted a similar question about using custom domains for IBM Cloud Object Storage in the StackOverflow forum that got no responses.

    Sam Hobbs

  • 6.  RE: Code Engine custom domain

    Community Leadership
    Posted Mon May 02, 2022 04:31 PM
    Edited by Doug Moran Mon May 02, 2022 05:23 PM

    Hi Sam,

    You will have more success on getting answers on this in a different forum. This particular topic group is not a venue for IBM product conversations or inquiries. Content in the Front Porch topic group is specific to the Community overall, its processes, organization, functionality, and ideas for improvement.

    If you need help on a particular product or its functionality, you will find more of the right people by posting in that product's topic group. For example, the Cloud community has topic groups for:

    There is also a Storage community, which has the following topic groups:

    Doug Moran

  • 7.  RE: Code Engine custom domain

    Posted Tue May 03, 2022 09:02 AM
    Note that I tried the other forums. Three or four years ago I posted a DB2 question in an IBM DB2 forum and got no responses. A few months later I realized what the answer was and it was extremely easy.

    Since then I have been posting questions (as best as I know) in the appropriate place and gotten no responses. I tried posting a .Net (relative to the IBM environment) question in the .Net community but the question was moderated and never posted. Perhaps I should have worded it differently and I have been considering trying again, I am not sure whether to try posting there again or go for here first. I apologize for the misleading title here and for any drama but I was desperate. I could have just given up on IBM but I got desperate instead.

    Note that the first sentence of my question here begins with Where or how can I get help and I think that is within the scope of this forum.

    Sam Hobbs

  • 8.  RE: Code Engine custom domain

    Community Leadership
    Posted Tue May 03, 2022 11:55 AM

    Hi Sam,

    I did research your issue from two years ago, and found it was posted to the Global Data Science forum under the thread "Introduce Yourself". As your question was about a Db2-related issue, most of which are handled in the Data Management community rather than Data Science, and that thread wasn't being monitored for technical questions, it was missed. I apologize.

    I hope this and my previous information helps you find the right topic groups for your questions.


    Douglas (Doug) Moran
    IBM Software

    Community Leader for Cloud Pak for Data & Hybrid Data Management
    Information Architect, Content Designer
    Community Video Coordinator
    Blogging Program Manager