Decision Optimization

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  • 1.  Error on docplex.cp.model/CpoBlackboxFunction

    Posted Mon October 03, 2022 11:27 AM

    I have a problem whenever I run scheduling job-shop problem ( using blackbox function (CpoBlackboxFunction) from Python.
    When I run it on Python 3.7 using pyCharm, after installing CPLEX Studio 22.1, I receive the following error:
    C:\Users\MA\Anaconda3\envs\pythonProject3\python.exe C:/Users/MA/PycharmProjects/pythonProject3/
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:/Users/MA/PycharmProjects/pythonProject3/", line 279, in <module>
      File "C:/Users/MA/PycharmProjects/pythonProject3/", line 266, in main
    TypeError: CpoBlackboxFunction() takes no arguments​

    I suspect that there is a problem on functools as whenever I tried to install it, I receive the following error:

      Running clean for functools
    Failed to build functools
    Installing collected packages: functools
        Running install for functools ... error

    I would appreciate if you could help me on how to solve this problem. I am attaching the code of below:

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Source file provided under Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004,
    # (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2021
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Problem Description
    This example illustrates how to use blackbox expressions to solve
    a job-shop scheduling problem with uncertain operation durations.
    It is an alternative approach to the stochastic optimization technique
    illustrated in example sched_stochastic_jobshop.cpp.
    The problem is an extension of the classical job-shop scheduling
    problem (see sched_jobshop.cpp).
    In the classical job-shop scheduling problem a finite set of jobs is
    processed on a finite set of machines. Each job is characterized by a
    fixed order of operations, each of which is to be processed on a
    specific machine for a specified duration.  Each machine can process
    at most one operation at a time and once an operation initiates
    processing on a given machine it must complete processing
    uninterrupted.  The objective of the problem is to find a schedule
    that minimizes the makespan of the schedule.
    In the present version of the problem, the duration of a given operation
    is uncertain and supposed to be a uniform random variable varying in an
    operation specific range [min, max]. The objective of the problem is to
    find an ordering of the operations on the machines that minimizes
    the average makespan of the schedule.
    The estimation of the average makespan is computed by a blackbox expression
    avg_makespan on the set of sequence variables of the model (see the use of
    function mean_makespan). This blackbox function simulates the execution of the
    specified sequences of operations on the machines on a number of samples and
    returns an estimation of the average makespan.
    The model uses this blackbox expression as objective function to be minimized.
    Note that the model uses the average duration of operations (dmin+dmax)/2 as
    deterministic duration to guide the search. One can show that the makespan
    of the deterministic problem using the average durations is always lesser than
    the average makespan, this is why it can be used as a lower bound on the blackbox
    objective function.
    The simulation simulates the execution of operations with uncertain durations under
    precedence constraints in order to estimate the average makespan. Two techniques
    are available to choose the durations: Monte-Carlo sampling and Descriptive Sampling
    (depending on the definition of constant DESC_SAMPLING).
    For each sample, Monte-Carlo sampling simply draws a random value in the
    specified range for the duration of the each operation and simulates the execution
    of this precedence graph to compute a sample of the makespan.
    Descriptive sampling [1] is a more robust technique for sampling operations duration
    in the context of simulating a precedence graph. It ensures that for a given operation,
    the probability distibution of its duration is efficiently sampled by controling
    the input set of sampled values.
    Typically, a similar precision on the average makespan is achieved with 30 samples
    of Descriptive sampling instead of typically 200 samples in Monte-Carlo sampling.
    [1] E. Saliby. "Descriptive Sampling: A Better Approach to Monte Carlo Simulation".
    The Journal of the Operational Research Society
    Vol. 41, No. 12 (Dec., 1990), pp. 1133-1142
    The blackbox expression avg_makespan is passed as data fields its scope
    (the array of sequence variables representing the sequence of operations
    on each machines), but other parameters for the durations and some housekeeping
    structures are also passed using functools.partial.
    For more information on blackbox expressions, see the concept "Blackbox expressions"
    in the CP Optimizer C++ API Reference Manual.
    # Problem parameters
    DEFAULT_FILENAME = "../../../examples/data/"
    DEFAULT_FILENAME = "data/"
    NUM_SAMPLES = 300 if DESC_SAMPLING else 2000
    RANDOM_SEED = 1234
    # Imports
    import sys
        import numpy as np
        import functools
        import numba
    except ImportError:
        print("Please ensure you have installed modules 'numpy', 'functools' and 'numba'.")
    from docplex.cp.utils import compare_natural
    import docplex.cp.solver.solver as solver
    # check Solver version
    sol_version = solver.get_solver_version()
    if compare_natural(sol_version, '22.1') < 0:
        print("Blackbox functions are not implemented in this solver version: {}".format(sol_version))
        print("This example cannot be run.")
    from docplex.cp.model import CpoModel, CpoBlackboxFunction
    # Core of the simulation.  The simulation has been pre-compiled into the
    # 'cstream' variable (command stream) which is made up of a series of commands:
    # <number-of-predecessors> [predecessors] <operation-id>
    # This is used to build the makespan by taking the end time to be the duration
    # of the operation plus the max end time of the predecessors.
    def simulate(cstream, durations):
        num_ops, num_samples = durations.shape
        end = np.empty(num_ops, dtype=np.float64)
        total_ms = 0
        for s in range(num_samples):
            cit = iter(cstream)
            for i in range(num_ops):
                n = next(cit)
                e = 0
                for k in range(n):
                    e = max(e, end[next(cit)])
                o = next(cit)
                end[o] = e + durations[o, s]
            total_ms += np.max(end)
        rms = total_ms / num_samples
        return rms
    # Three parts here.  First, we build the predecessor graph which
    # means that for each operation we can associate the previous on
    # the machine and previous in the job.  So, operations can have
    # from 0 to 2 predecessors.
    # Second, we order the operations topologically so that we can
    # calculate the makespan in a purely feed-forward fashion to keep
    # it fast.
    # Thirdly, we perform the actual simulation.  Because we are doing
    # this with numba, we will pass just the simplest of data structures
    # to the simulation function as number sometimes has trouble with
    # non-numeric data.
    def mean_makespan(machine_sequences,  # decided by CP Optimizer
                      itv_to_op,  # map: interval var -> operation index
                      durations  # durations per operation and scenario
        # They should be topologically ordered.
        num_ops = sum(len(ms) for ms in machine_sequences)
        # We assume a fixed job length = number of machines
        job_length = len(machine_sequences)
        # Build predecessors
        direct_pred = [None] * num_ops
        used = [0] * num_ops
        for ms in machine_sequences:
            prev = -1
            for r, itv in enumerate(ms):
                op_id = itv_to_op[itv]
                pred = ([op_id - 1] if (op_id % job_length) != 0 else []) + ([prev] if r != 0 else [])
                for p in pred:
                    used[p] += 1
                direct_pred[op_id] = pred
                prev = op_id
        # Build topological order
        active = [i for i in range(num_ops) if used[i] == 0]
        order = []
        i = 0
        while i < len(active):
            a = active[i]
            order.append((a, direct_pred[a]))
            for p in direct_pred[a]:
                used[p] -= 1
                if used[p] == 0:
            i += 1
        # If we could not go over everything,
        # there is a loop in the precedence graph
        assert (len(active) == num_ops)
        # Simulate using numba.  So use simple data structures
        commands = []
        for i in range(num_ops):
            for p in order[i][1]:
        value = simulate(np.array(commands), durations)
        return value
    # Make all durations for all operations in all scenarios
    def make_durations(drange, num_samples, desc_sampling, seed):
        rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
        num_ops = len(drange)
        durations = np.empty((num_ops, num_samples))
        for i in range(num_ops):
            dmin, dmax = drange[i]
            if desc_sampling:
                width = (dmax - dmin + 1) / num_samples
                for s in range(num_samples):
                    durations[i, s] = np.floor(dmin + width * (s + rng.random()))
                rng.shuffle(durations[i, :])
                for s in range(num_samples):
                    durations[i, s] = rng.integers(dmin, dmax + 1)
        return durations
    def main(argv):
        filename = DEFAULT_FILENAME
        time_limit = DEFAULT_TIMELIMIT
        if len(argv) > 1:
            if argv[1] != "-":
                filename = argv[1]
        if len(argv) > 2:
            time_limit = float(argv[2])
            with open(filename) as f:
                file_data = (int(elem) for elem in
        except FileNotFoundError as ex:
            print("Could not open {}".format(filename))
            print("Usage: {} <file> <time limit>".format(argv[0]))
            print("       Use '-' to mean the default input file")
        it = iter(file_data)
        num_jobs = next(it)
        num_machines = next(it)
        job_length = num_machines  # for clarity
        itv_to_op = {}
        machine_ops = [[] for _ in range(num_machines)]
        mdl = CpoModel()
        op_id = 0
        drange = []
        job_ends = []
        for j in range(num_jobs):
            for op in range(job_length):
                machine = next(it)
                dmin = next(it)
                dmax = next(it)
                drange.append((dmin, dmax))
                itv = mdl.interval_var(length=(dmin + dmax) // 2, name="J_{}_{}".format(j, op))
                itv_to_op[itv] = op_id
                if op != 0:
                    mdl.add(mdl.end_before_start(prev_itv, itv))
                op_id += 1
                prev_itv = itv
        classic_makespan = mdl.max(job_ends)
        # Sequences.  Needed for the back box evaluation
        machine_sequences = [mdl.sequence_var(ops, name="S_{}".format(i))
                             for i, ops in enumerate(machine_ops)]
        # Only one job can execute at a time on a machine
        mdl.add(mdl.no_overlap(ms) for ms in machine_sequences)
        # Objective function based on black box
        durations = make_durations(drange, NUM_SAMPLES, DESC_SAMPLING, RANDOM_SEED)
        avg_makespan = CpoBlackboxFunction(functools.partial(mean_makespan,
        stochastic_makespan = avg_makespan(machine_sequences)
        mdl.add(stochastic_makespan >= classic_makespan)
        result = mdl.solve(TimeLimit=time_limit, LogVerbosity="Normal", LogPeriod=10000, Workers=1)
        if result:
            print("No solution found")
    if __name__ == "__main__":


    Best regards,

    Mohamed Awad


  • 2.  RE: Error on docplex.cp.model/CpoBlackboxFunction

    Posted Tue October 11, 2022 08:42 AM
    Dear Mohammed, 

    You shouldn't have to install functools since it is already there. In fact the message is misleading and package importation should be checked individually in the example. Until the correction appears in the release, please use this modified version of the example with a fresh python environment and let us know what happens.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Renaud Dumeur

  • 3.  RE: Error on docplex.cp.model/CpoBlackboxFunction

    Posted Tue October 11, 2022 02:29 PM
    Dear Renaud,

    Thank you for your feedback. I ran the example you attached and it worked perfectly. Please find below the example output for your information.
     ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     ! Search terminated by limit, 69 solutions found.
     ! Best objective         : 94308.27 (gap is 7.96%)
     ! Best bound             : 86799.99
     ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     ! Number of branches     : 748376
     ! Number of fails        : 285552
     ! Number of b-box calls  : 9957
     ! Total memory usage     : 2.6 MB (2.5 MB CP Optimizer + 0.1 MB Concert)
     ! Time spent in solve    : 30.01s (30.00s engine + 0.01s extraction)
     ! Search speed (br. / s) : 24950.9
     ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Best regards,

    Mohamed Awad