Decision Optimization

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  • 1.  How to solve discontinuity issue in single source multi destination problem?

    Posted Fri April 16, 2021 09:47 AM

    I am trying to extend the program on the following link for single-source and multiple destinations.

    Some modifications to the existing network include that each edge in the network is bidirectional. I have added the following constraints to the existing code to achieve the objective:

    m.add_constraint(m.sum(x[(i,j)] for i,j in last_arc if j == final_END_NODE)== 1, ctname='last_arc')
    for dd in remDst:
       m.add_constraint(m.sum(x[(i,j)] for i,j in subEdges if j==dd)>= 1, ctname='last_arc')
    m.add_constraint(m.sum(x[(i,j)] for i,j in subEdges if i==src)== 1, ctname='start_arc_F')
    m.add_constraint(m.sum(x[(i,j)] for i,j in subEdges if j==src)== 0, ctname='start_arc_B')​

    where final_END_NODE is computed based on the distance from the source node to the farthest destination, remDst includes the remaining destinations, and subEdges includes the edges in the network which are bidirectionally visitable.

    The output shows discontinuous edges while computing a single shortest path from the source to all destinations. For example, O is the source node and A, C, and E are the destination nodes. The output shows the edges:





    The solution misses the edge from E-B. What should be the constraint to address this problem. Any help in this regard is appreciated.

    Babar Shahzaad


  • 2.  RE: How to solve discontinuity issue in single source multi destination problem?

    Posted Thu April 22, 2021 12:26 PM
    Edited by System Fri January 20, 2023 04:25 PM

    you could have a look at the tsp OPL example in


    and for your data:

    using CP;
    {string} nodes={"O","A","B","C","D","E","T"};
    tuple edge
      key string o;
      key string d;
      int time;
    {edge} edges with o,d in nodes=
    string origin="O";
    {string} targets={"A","C"};
    int bigvalue=1000;
    int repeat=3;
    range ranks=1..repeat;
    {edge} edgeswithsym=edges union {<d,o,t> | <o,d,t> in edges};
    {edge} transitions=edgeswithsym union {<o,d,bigvalue> | o,d in nodes: <o,d> not in edgeswithsym};
    tuple triplet {int id1; int id2; int value;};
    {triplet} M = {<ord(nodes,tr.o)+1,ord(nodes,tr.d)+1,tr.time> | tr in transitions};
    assert card(transitions)==card(nodes)*(card(nodes));
    // Interval for visiting a node
    dvar interval itvs[nodes][ranks] optional;
    // Sequence means visits
    dvar sequence seq in all(n in nodes,r in ranks)itvs[n][r] types 
    all(n in nodes,r in ranks)(ord(nodes,n)+1); 
    // First we want to minimize the time for latest visit
    // Second we want to minimize present intervals
    staticLex(max(t in targets) min(r in ranks) startOf(itvs[t,r],bigvalue),
    sum(n in nodes,r in ranks) presenceOf(itvs[n][r]));
    subject to
      // We visit origin at time 0
      // origin and destinations should be present
      forall(t in targets) presenceOf(itvs[t,1])==1;
      // noOverlap constraint will enforce time matrix
      // break sym
      forall(n in nodes) forall(r in ranks:r!=1) 
    int nbActiveIntervals=sum(n in nodes,r in ranks) presenceOf(itvs[n][r]);
    range R=1..nbActiveIntervals;
    // Display solution
    execute {
      var s=seq.first(); 
      for(var i in R) 
       if (i!=nbActiveIntervals)

    [Alex] [Fleischer]
    [EMEA CPLEX Optimization Technical Sales]