AI and DS Skills

  • 1.  Presentation

    Posted Mon June 15, 2020 11:08 AM
    Cordial greetings, to IBM community, nice to discover this place, I'm Luis, from Colombia, it's awesome to be here, i did the IBM Applied AI Professional Certificated, now i'm doing the Data Science Professional Certificated, always with the aim to learn, share ideas, socializing and be participative in those place that allows us to improve our personal and professional development. 

    Very great to meet us and wanting to keep moving forward in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Path.

    My best and kind regards to everyone.

    "Knowledge is meaningful not only when you acquire it also when you share it." LGAB - Neural Networks and Deep Learning Coursera Mentor.


  • 2.  RE: Presentation

    Community Leadership
    Posted Mon November 15, 2021 04:14 PM
    This is wonderful, Luis - thank you for sharing. In a year and a half, I'm sure  you've come a long way and received your certifications. Thank you for sharing your experiences and you're welcome to share with us what you are up to today!



    Christina Howell