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CPLEX Optimization Studio is free for students and academics!

By Xavier Nodet posted Thu July 09, 2020 05:17 AM


Through the Academic Initiative (AI) program, IBM provides CPLEX Optimization Studio and other resources at no charge to students, teachers and researchers. The version provided is the fully functional one, with no limitations in the size of the models or the search tree.

Access to current version

For quick access to CPLEX Optimization Studio through this program, go to Click on Software, then you'll find, in the ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio card, a link to register. Once your registration is accepted, you will see a link to download of the AI version.

Access to older versions

On the Academic Initiative website, you will find a direct link to download the latest version of CPLEX Optimization Studio. But other versions are available as well. In order to get an older version, please follow these steps:

  • Click on the direct link as if you wanted to download the latest version. This opens a page titled “Find by part number results”.
  • On the left of the page, click on link “Search for software”.
  • In the “Product name” field of the section “Find by search text”, enter “CPLEX Optimization Studio”.
  • This will show you all the versions of CPLEX Optimization Studio that can be downloaded. Click their names to show the available platforms.

If you need a very old version of CPLEX Optimization Studio that you can’t find on the Academic Initiative website, please send an email to specifying what version you need and for which platform (Windows, Linux, macOS). Please make sure you send any such email from the same address as you used to register in the AI program, and that you explain why you need a version of the software that’s not a more recent one.

Issues accessing the AI website

There are two errors that are sometimes reported when trying to access the software on the Academic Initiative website.

  • “The service is down, please try again later”. This one is often caused by ad-blockers. Please try to change your browser, or disable any such software that you may have.
  • “Requested resource currently unavailable, please try again later”. If you get this message, you need to wait a few days. The issue resolves automatically.


If you have a question about using the software, please post it in the Discussion tab of this group, at

Thanks for using CPLEX Optimization Studio!




19 days ago

I have the exact same issue unfortunately. Please, if you could resolve it that would be great! 

19 days ago

I have been trying for 24 hours and the link does not work for me either. I have cleared the cache and tried several browser. Searching the web, it seems that many others have the same issue. Can you please resolve this? Thanks for supporting academics.

19 days ago

I have found that the link for CPLEX academic use is not working, can you update it?

20 days ago

The hyperlink for the CPLEX doesn't work anymore do you have a new one?

Fri February 02, 2024 05:58 AM

How to integrate python and Cplex when python modules are different?..I am facing variable limit exceeding issue while using docplex in python.
Please help me to sort out this issue.