IBM Sterling Transformation Extender

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  • 1.  Why LOOKUP is not working

    Posted Tue April 16, 2024 09:12 AM

    Hi, can anyone help with this issue?




    Rule 1:

    Rule 2:

    Output 3 - Result:



    My question is why the lookup doesn't work in the second rule of output 3?

    john yang

  • 2.  RE: Why LOOKUP is not working

    Posted Tue April 16, 2024 09:37 AM


    The issue you are encountering is problably due to 'Data Binding'. The following Technote contains the details of the issue and solution.

    Data Binding In Map Rule Causes Incorrect Output



    Gertie Kearney

  • 3.  RE: Why LOOKUP is not working

    Posted Wed April 17, 2024 01:37 PM

    Yes, this exactly.  I want to say (as a long time user of this product) that it USED to work the way that John is expecting.  I don't remember specifically what version changed it - but suspect it was when it moved to the Eclipse platform and became Java based vs C (I believe) that it was originally written in as Mercator.  I could be mistaken, but I swear you used to be able to refer to a very specific index with better results vs having to use the array as a whole and making the lookup condition be more detailed to find the instance.

    Lisa Edwards
    Software Engineer / Subject Matter Expert
    Rainbow Data Systems, Inc