IBM Sterling Transformation Extender

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  • 1.  Some helpful links from support to help with your migration to ITX Version 11.0

    Posted Thu January 18, 2024 01:14 PM

    Do you want to avoid being a 'bear with a sore head' when migrating to a newer version of ITX? If so, preparation is key!

    Migration is a complex subject and system dependent, so not everything can be included here but we will include the documentation available to go through in preparation for a migration to make the migration easier.

    Release notes
    The first documentation to look at is the release notes for the release that you are upgrading to.

    The following is the top level page where you can find links to release notes for each version/fix pack.

    It's a good idea to peruse the release notes for all version/fix packs in between the current version you are using and the version you are migrating to.

    As ITX V11 is the latest version let's look at the ITX V11 release notes.

    New and changed behaviour

    In the 'new and changed behaviour' section you will find information about any deprecated/removed functions, components etc.

    Upgrade and migration

    There is a section for 'upgrade and migration' which contains points to consider when migrating.

    for example:

    The section 'Migrating maps, type trees, and systems' says 'You must regenerate systems. Although it is not always required for running maps from an earlier version, you should reanalyze and save the type trees, and save and recompile the maps; otherwise, the processes must convert the files each time they load the files. '

    Known Limitations, problems and work-arounds

    For answers to frequently asked questions and workarounds for known problems in all product releases, see the IBM Support website.

    Importance of reading release notes

    ITX Support found that some clients did not know the following key information contained within the release notes that could affect a migration.

    ·        There is a behaviour change in ITX V9 that Transformation Extender V9.0.0 does not change to the map directory before it runs a map. V9.0.0 resolves relative paths by appending the relative path to the directory of the currently running process.

    ·        If you are migrating from V8.0 to V11.0.0, you must run your database triggering scripts in order to successfully run source-triggered database systems. After V9.0.0 is installed on the supported Oracle or SQL Server databases, no earlier release of Transformation Extender can use triggering on that database, because the client and source reference different names.

    This is also true for V8.4.x and V8.4.1.x also.

    An example of removed functionality.

    ·        For version 9.0.0 and higher, Windows and Solaris clustering are no longer supported.

    What's New

    It's worth going through the 'What's new' for each version/fix pack between the version you are using and the version you are migrating to.  Sometimes there are new features that you can use listed here and unless you read this section or the product documentation cover-to-cover you may not know that it was added.  Question: Does anyone read documentation cover-to-cover anymore!?

    The following link is for the What's new documentation.

    ·         In the case of ITX V11 the What's New is very important as we have consolidated all configuration into config.yaml file.   All options in dtx.ini, tx-server.env, and are now combined into a single config.yaml file for easier configuration.

    ITX utility commands

    For migration purposes, the ITX utility commands can be used. You can use the ITX utilities in a script to compile maps, analyse type trees etc.

    For example  :

    • Mcompile can be used to compile maps
    • Tanalyse can be used to analyse type trees

    Different behaviour

    If a map behaves differently in new version, it may be due to a bug existing in the previous version that has been fixed in the new version or it could be a bug. You can raise a case with support and provide a simple testcase that can be run in both versions showing the difference in behaviour.

    ITX support engineers are here to help if you encounter any problems.

    Please visit ITX support site at:

    You can open and manage cases from here electronically after signing in.

    Happy bear!

    Stephanie Fetzer

  • 2.  RE: Some helpful links from support to help with your migration to ITX Version 11.0

    Posted Mon January 22, 2024 03:34 PM

    Lots to learn about for the v11 upgrade it seems.  I have a deep dive question on Launcher however.  From the upgrade notes about Launcher it says:

    Configuration requirements in non-Windows environments

    To use these products in a non-Windows environments, the X Window server must be running on the local host machine or system.
    In our environment on RHEL servers we do not use X-Windows at all.  We are restricted to text-based interfaces only.  We still run Launcher, but use the export/import to XML to make our Launcher environment modifications and create the .bin files needed.
    Is export/import via XML still available or is the "X Window server must be running" a new mandate to get Launcher to function?

    Jim Davee

  • 3.  RE: Some helpful links from support to help with your migration to ITX Version 11.0

    Posted Tue January 23, 2024 11:07 AM

    I don't use X-Windows also.  I don't think it's a requirement.

    Rex Chan

  • 4.  RE: Some helpful links from support to help with your migration to ITX Version 11.0

    Posted Wed January 24, 2024 05:16 PM

    Hi Jim,

    The section you mentioned is prefaced with the following:


    These notes are for the Launcher Administration, Management Console, and Resource Registry components of the Transformation Extender Runtime and Monitoring.

    Thus, running Launcher does not need X-Windows.

    Best Regards,

    Loan Vo

    Loan Vo