IBM Sterling Transformation Extender

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  • 1.  Monitoring ITX Map execution

    Posted Thu January 11, 2024 07:33 AM

    Hi All,

    Can you share your thoughts and best practices, in monitoring ITX map execution failures in ITX stand-alone (Not integrated with other integration servers) system.

    Thank you.

    Rajasekhar Muthamsetty

  • 2.  RE: Monitoring ITX Map execution

    Posted Thu January 11, 2024 11:23 AM

    You should consider using the Audit Log.  It tells you what cause the map failure and it may tell you which input or output card is causing it.  It doesn't provide you with a map trace.  Audit Log is low overhead option, it shouldn't affect performance in production environment.   There are 2 options to control Audit Log: Every map invocation, Only if the map doesn't complete successfully.  In addition, there are other options to control how much detail you need.  They are all under "Map option" in Design Studio for the map.

    Some people take an extra step of writing selective log content to a database.  If you are using Launcher, you can set a flow to monitor the folder where you write the Audit Log.  Once a log is produced, have a map translate it to a database.  The installation contains a type tree for the Audit Log, so you can use that in your map's input card.

    Rex Chan

  • 3.  RE: Monitoring ITX Map execution

    Posted Wed January 17, 2024 12:37 AM

    Hi Rajasekhar,

    A lot will depend on tools you may have or not have for alerting in your particular environment.  Some tools such as Remedy can proactively search files like the Audit Log (as Rex mentions) to alert for map failures. Depending on how sophisticated (or not) your environment may be, you may have to set such alerting up for yourself.  There are numerous ways to skin this cat so to speak.  Are you using Launcher or Flow Server or running maps from scripts or even java programs?  You can set up your own maps to read and send emails from the Audit Log, you can log to a DB and have the DB trigger alerts or a map to send the alert after logging success or failure, you can redirect errors to separate directories/queues.  it really just is a matter of preference given other tools in the enterprise toolbelt (or lack there of).  I've done some of just about everything. You could even handle it all in the map to send an SMTP message when input ISERROR or CONTAINSERRORS.  If you are the one lucky enough to make the recommendations for your enterprise, my advice is KISS (keep it simple stupid) - it's an old saying that reminds us not to over architect things.  Someday you might want to take a vacation, or strike it rich, or retire and if your system isn't easy to support, passing down that knowledge will be painful.  That said, reusable interfaces/solutions are also much better than recreating the wheel each time you need to add a map.

    Happy mapping!

    Lisa Edwards
    Software Engineer / Subject Matter Expert
    Rainbow Data Systems, Inc

  • 4.  RE: Monitoring ITX Map execution

    Posted Wed January 17, 2024 05:00 AM

    Thanks Rex & Lisa,

    I'm thinking of recommending the use of an Integration server along with ITX. But, customer might prefer to run it as stand-alone ITX, where they have another tool which will be used to send/receive files from other systems/partners, and feed to ITX for transformation. ITX has to validate the file by doing some DB lookups, if valid translate else notify either by sending an email or API call.

    I'm considering using Launcher as it would help to trigger the map execution by file and schedule. Like, suggested to handle translation errors I have to develop a generic map to send email or log some details to DB or file.

    Rajasekhar Muthamsetty

  • 5.  RE: Monitoring ITX Map execution

    Posted Wed January 17, 2024 06:18 PM

    If it were me, I would have the individual maps built in such a way that it would write out the ORIGINAL file in error (for replay and analysis), or depending on use case records in error, to a separate file and only CreateOnContent.  Then have a separate Launcher flow "watch" that directory/queue or whatever for messages in error.  You can then send the original file however you like (email, API) so they know exactly what file failed, or send link to location, create a ticket in your system like ServiceNow whatever.  If it is a high volume system, You may not want to generate the AuditLog however, but instead capture the LASTERRORMSG() and write this to a physical standardized log, db log, with the file name and location and any other pertinent information, so that you can tie the failed file to the reason it failed to give error analysts a head start on troubleshooting.  There are also ways of processing the AuditLog too, into a DB for the same kind of tie in and then throw it away once processed to save disk space, and/or only create the AuditLog OnError -- however I feel like if it's worth logging you need to know that it succeeded as much as when in fails when trying to research where a file might have gone. ITX resources already provide a type tree for parsing the AuditLog so that is nice.

    With API interaction, ITX can really play very nicely with tons of systems.  It really is in budget and security constraints.  I personally prefer reusable components and tend toward a PUB/SUB model just to let you know where I am coming from in my opinions.

    Happy architecting!!!

    Lisa Edwards
    Software Engineer / Subject Matter Expert
    Rainbow Data Systems, Inc