If you're encountering a credit card authorization error with the specific error code "REG-PAYGO-UPGRADE-8XW0WABMLNPC1" when trying to upgrade your account, it's recommended to reach out to the customer support or technical support of the service or platform you're dealing with. The error code provided is likely specific to their system, and they will have the necessary insights to assist you.
Contact the customer support team through their official channels, which may include a support portal on their website, email support, or a helpline. When reaching out for assistance, make sure to provide the error code, a detailed description of the issue you're facing, and any relevant account information. The support team will guide you through the troubleshooting steps or provide specific instructions to resolve the credit card authorization error and complete the upgrade process.
Abu Saleh
Original Message:
Sent: Mon April 04, 2022 03:31 PM
From: Ömer mn
Subject: account upgrade
I can't upgrade my account I get a credit card authorization error is there anyone who can help with this?
Ömer mn