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IBM Champions in action - May 30 edition

By Kathryn DuPont posted Thu May 30, 2024 08:00 AM

IBM Champion in action

Hi everyone, 

Imagine it…. being so well liked or making such a huge impact that people are motivated enough to shout it from the rooftops to their friends, family, and colleagues?

I don’t have to imagine it…. I get to see it firsthand, and so can you by following IBM Champions in action! 

IBM Champions and IBM Rising champions are constantly buzzing about IBM technologies in so many wonderful ways – speaking at conferences, podcasting and creating videos (so many of them this week!), creating new user groups or participating in existing user groups, writing ground-breaking articles and blogs – all demonstrating the impact IBM innovation has on their work, their lives, and the people with whom they are interacting. And speaking of podcasts, join our discussion thread, Tell Us: Everything we should know about podcasting and share the best podcasts out there! Your input and ideas are warmly welcomed! 


Remember: each of these posts are just a ‘slice’ of the content being produced by IBM Champions and IBM Rising Champions. Please explore and find out what they are up to… connect with them here on the IBM TechXchange Community or find them on LinkedIn! 

Subscribe and get to know the IBM Champions better on YouTube in the series, “Meet the IBM Champions – Season 2

Now... Check out this week’s Champions in action!  



IBM Champion, @Prasun Mahapatra, shares some wonderful insights in this article on called, : Master your data , supercharge your insights

IBM TechXchange Community Post


Check out this article, Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Empowering Women in AI to Thrive on the IBM TechXchange Community by IBM Champion, @Samira Gholizadeh



IBM Champion, @Seigo Tanaka, shares insights and views from the IBM Champion Forum Japan 2024 - Blog Highlights 

Linkedin Post


@Rituraj Mahato, IBM Champion, Summarizes the evolution of Data Science in this LinkedIn Post 



Check out this video from IBM Champion, @Aileen Wynne Championing Mainframes and Diversity in IT 



IBM Champion, @Sugam Kafle, in this video shares My journey as an IBMZ Champion 



IBM Champion, @Amit Sharma interviews IBM Champion, @Emma Skovgård in Ep-04 The Tech Sharmit Podcast



Check out this podcast featuring IBM Champion, @Lukas Jaks from IVV, GmbH provides a new mainframer’s perspective on IBM Z



On Tish Talks Tech, IBM Champion, @Laticia Carrow, conducts this interview with IBM Champion, #CodeBaker,  @Niall Ashley

LinkedIn Article


@mark robbins, IBM Champion, shares in this article, The rules hurt me … so I won’t raise a call if the rules aren’t enforced (#fewCallsNoProblemsMASMaximo)

IBM TechXchange Community


Check out this IBM Champion Spotlight, featuring,@Mafaaz Salam on the IBM TechXchange Community

IBM TechXchange Community


IBM Champion, @Christian Sonnemans, shares this article on the IBM TechXchange Community called, AIX trusted installation and update using chsignpolicy and Digital Signature Catalog (DSC)

Did you miss the 2Q/24 Quarterly IBM Rising Champions and Advocacy call? You can catch up by watching it here

What are you working on? Share it with us at And if you're an IBM Champion or an IBM Rising Champion, make sure you're reporting your activities

Are you advocating for IBM technologies and interested in the pathway to becoming an IBM Champion? Apply today for the IBM Rising Champions Advocacy Badge program. 



