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Cognos Analytics 12.0.1 is here!

By Shaveta Srivastava posted Tue September 26, 2023 04:22 PM


Cognos Analytics 12.0.1 is here! I am thrilled to announce that this release includes new features and improvement to many existing features introduced in earlier releases.

Research shows that so much data is being collected in every organization yet it’s not being analyzed. This release of Cognos Analytics is part of a journey committed to provide an easy platform that enables AI-powered insights faster for everyone; to make accurate business decisions. 

Here are some highlights of the release: 

  • The Assistant has new additions to allow better user experience and improved sharing capabilities. It provides direct access to the Learn Panel. 
  • Enhanced styling options added in Visualizations. New features available in Reports and Dashboards including improved caching in dashboards. 
  • Multilingual metadata support in Data modules.  
  • Availability of as a Data Source connection.
  • Ability to mark items as Favorites in the content pane. 

To interact directly with the product management team and hear them talk about the new features, check out the On Demand Webinar scheduled for Oct 31st at 10 am EST. 

Our product management team has also written a series of blogs that go into more detail on these features.  Give them a read by clicking on each item listed below. 

What's New in AI for Cognos Analytics 12.0.1
Visualizations improvement in Cognos Analytics 12.0.1
Cognos Analytics 12.0.1 has a new feature that might be your favourite!
Cognos Dashboards Improvements and Enhancements in release 12.0.1!
What's new for data modeling and data access in Cognos Analytics 12.0.1?

We’re really excited for the features delivered in this release. To explore these features, click here to start the free trial of Cognos Analytcis. To download the On-Premise version of Cognos Analytics, navigate to this page. 

You can also read the What's New page from the Cognos Analytics documentation


