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What's new for data modeling and data access in Cognos Analytics 12.0.1?

By Zachary Taylor Unpublished


Cognos Analytics Data Modules are being improved for all users - from novice to advanced - in order to deliver a smooth and streamlined experience. Improvements for 12.01 include:

Metadata Translation in Data Modules  (for Reporting )

Cognos Analytics users can now translate metadata directly in data modules. Metadata translation is valuable because many customers operate in multiple countries and want to (or are required to) deliver analytics in the local language of their users.  Multilingual modeling capabilities existed in Framework Manager and are now becoming available in data modules. In this release of Cognos Analytics 12.0.1, multilingual metadata can be used when combining a data module with reports. 

Edit Custom Tables 

Data modules users can create custom tables to create a more abstract, business-oriented view of data in the data module. Sometimes after creating a custom table, however, additional data needs to be added. Previously this was not possible, and we got feedback that it was needed. So in Cognos 12.0.1, we've added the ability to add additional tables to an existing table view in data modules. connectivity 

IBM recently released which is a a fit-for-purpose data store built on an open data lakehouse architecture to scale AI workloads.  Cognos Analytics can now also read this data to be used for business analytics. 

General Improvements

Data modules are for both advanced and novice users, so we aim to continually improve the user experience for all user types.  In Cognos version 12.0.1, we've also made improvements to custom sorting, file upload performance, and UI menu options and navigation. 

Start a Cognos Analytics trial or upgrade to Cognos 12.0.1 today to try out these new features! 

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