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Cognos Dashboards Improvements and Enhancements in release 12.0.1!

By SAMI EL CHEIKH posted Tue September 26, 2023 11:49 AM


In Cognos Analytics 12.0.1 we focused our investment into intuitive workflows and improved performance. 

From a performance standpoint, we built on the Local Data Cache feature introduced in Cognos Dashboards in 12.0. The goal of this cache is to improve client-side performance for relational data. This would impact consumer interactions like selecting a data point, sorting a visualization, keep/exclude actions and more! In Cognos 12.0.1 we expanded the number of use cases supported by local data caches, increased the overall size of an individual cache, enabled sorting and renaming of caches and more!

By popular demand, we’ve improved our dashboard PDF generation to include use cases such as crosstabs and tables that have content hidden behind scroll bars. In previous releases of Cognos, PDF output was limited to what was currently in view. While you can still utilize a similar approach to previous releases, the “New page” option grants an expanded view of widget content via PDF.

The final big change to Cognos dashboards is the ability to hide header icons of a visualization. In 12.0.1 authors can toggle settings at both the canvas and the widget level to show or hide filter icons, forecast icons, narrative insights icons and insights icons.

We’re really excited to get this release in your hands and can’t wait to share more with the next release of Cognos Analytics!

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