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The IBM Automation Portfolio is a blend of home-grown and acquired software innovations, and each new acquisition often revitalizes the existent solutions, as we’re seeing now with Instana and Turbonomic being integrated into Automation tools. In 2018, when IBM announced the acquisition of...
A lot of organizations have embarked upon an exercise that they call “future-proofing the roadmap,” which often means taking a good hard look at the software investments already made, analyzing gaps and determining if their IT solutions are capable of supporting their business goals well into...
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In addition to the top 5 benefits of upgrading to ODM 8.10 , this version includes many enhancements that you requested from the developerWorks RFE portal. We are currently improving the way we manage these requests for enhancements: stay tuned for more updates next year! ...
We’re excited to include the following feature enhancements in the newest release of Blueworks Live available after Saturday, May 30, 2020. Check out this video for additional details. Here are the updates we've made: Process Playback enhancements: With our...
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IBM Operational Decision Manager 8.10.1 was released last month . The release contains fixes and corrections along with new features such as: Event emitters for Business Automation Insights (pictured above) Improvements to the Decision Center Business console Support for JBoss EAP...