BPM, Workflow, and Case

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***If you are new to Business Automation, start HERE.***

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Latest Discussions

  • Hi community, I want to retrieve annotations from a lower document version and add them to a higher version in ibm fileNET P8 using java code. In my process, I call up methods for writing on a PDF document, generating a new version of the document ...

  • Hello everyone, I have come across a potential bug in InBasket and thought I would share it with you. The issue is related to the display in an external navigator of the Case Manager. The possible bug causes the number of cases in an InBasket to be ...

  • Hi Ram, with ICM 5.2.1 you probably also worked with a (very) old ICN. As of ICN 3.0.10, the handling of column widths has been changed: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/content-navigator/3.0.x?topic=navigator-whats-new-users-in-content-3010#d216990e63 ...

Latest Blogs

  • Co-Author: Balunaini Prasad Background: Some customers have large number of complex business objects authored and governed outside of workflow automation products. These business objects could have multiple properties of different ...

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  • We are excited to announce that, as we reach the year's midpoint, we have achieved significant milestones and impressive enhancements for IBM. This release unites information, processes, and users to help automate digital workflows on-premises or in ...

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  • IBM Business Automation Workflow (BAW) on containers is part of IBM Business Automation Workflow (BAW), also included in IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation (CP4BA) as one capability. CP4BA includes BAW, in addition to everything you have in BAW, ...

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