Decision Management (ODM, ADS)

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ODM requests for enhancement: you asked, we delivered

By Marie Girard posted Wed December 23, 2020 11:16 AM



In addition to the top 5 benefits of upgrading to ODM 8.10, this version includes many enhancements that you requested from the developerWorks RFE portal.

We are currently improving the way we manage these requests for enhancements: stay tuned for more updates next year!

Business console experience

99808 Provide the ability to organize the deployment folder
129212 Ability to select columns to be displayed in the rule table in Business console (delivered in ODM 8.10.1)
110163 Auto-save session data during rules authoring process (delivered in ODM 8.10.5)
100915 Paging feature is needed for test reports page, or snapshots, etc…
141543 Update Decision Artifact Auto Locking Feature (delivered in ODM 8.10.5)
120605 Locking properties in Business Console (delivered in ODM 8.10.5)

Searching and reporting

111108 Search rules, multi lines regexp
110690 report of RES content
103190 Service Decision report (delivered in ODM 8.10.2)
109845 ODM HTML rules report Enhancement (delivered in ODM 8.10.2)
107362 Deployment Reports and Snapshots (delivered in ODM 8.10.2)

Testing and simulation

125867 Export Business Console Simulation/Testing Configurations (delivered in ODM 8.10.1)
120861 Synchronize Test Suites when Synchronizing changes from Rule Designer or using Synchronize Ant Task (delivered in ODM 8.10.1)


112059 Prevent deployment to RES from the business console if there are validation errors (delivered in ODM 8.10.1)
139545 Decision Center should allow Decision Services that share dependencies to have the same sub branch name (delivered in ODM 8.10.2)
123802 Cannot Create Branch from Deployment Snaphot or Snapshot (delivered in ODM 8.10.4)
119911 Download of snapshots (delivered in ODM 8.10.4)
104717 Use ldap information for user display name
99287 LDAP group search using wild-card


115948 Have Security configured out of the box for Hosted Transparent Decision Service (HTDS) (delivered in ODM 8.10.3)
129702 ODM Configuration WITHOUT modifying war contents. (delivered in ODM 8.10.4)
140563 ODM should expose configuration as ConfigMaps when running on Kubernetes (delivered in ODM 8.10.5)
138682 Customize Console identity (delivered in ODM 8.10.5)

Developer experience

118638 For Decision Services, dynamically compute the input/output parameters from all the dependent variable sets
101339 Improvements to Paste from Excel Functionality in Rule Designer
134481 Need Maven Libraries Instead of Normal Libraries From IBM

Logging and error reporting

139567 Capture login/logout details of users in Business Cosnole
134250 Show build errors when preparing to run tests in Business Console (similar to Enterprise Console)
141921 Error messages should be more descriptive on Decision center deployment report


132752 Make Execution Statistics Available through REST API (delivered in ODM 8.10.3)
131833 API call to delete Test Suite Reports (delivered in ODM 8.10.3)
131831 Api call to create release snapshots (delivered in ODM 8.10.3)
130592 Add Users via API (delivered in ODM on Cloud 2019.12)


131436 Change RTS required sequence numbers to be unique numbers and versionidentity number a bigger data type than int.
130266 Simultaneous launch of several TestSuite execution  should have ruleapp build in parallel (delivered in ODM 8.10.3)

Platform support

143488 Support of JBoss 7.3 with Operational Decision Manager
116122 IBM ODM compatibility with Oracle 12c release 2
143487 Support of Postgresql 11 with Opertional Decision Manager
103517 Does ODM support Windows 2016
133563 Request to Have Open JDK support for Operational Decision Manager (delivered in ODM 8.10.2)
140486 Request for MS SQL 2019 to be supported DB for IBM ODM (delivered in ODM 8.10.5)
115760 WebSphere Application Server v 8.5.5 compatibility with Oracle 12c release 2

