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Watch ASAP University: Beyond Parms and Variables webcast + slides

  • 1.  Watch ASAP University: Beyond Parms and Variables webcast + slides

    Posted Wed October 16, 2019 08:14 PM
    Edited by System Test Fri October 25, 2019 01:35 PM


    Thank you to everyone who joined today's webcast: ASAP University: Beyond Parms and Variables. 


    You can watch the entire recording here. Please post any of your questions below. 

    Webcast Summary

    Do you have values that change depending on your job streams and jobs? Learn how parms and variables are used as substitutes for repetitive values when defining prompts, jobs, and job streams. Developer Paul Lester from JRIA will show you how to user variables in some new ways and share his real-world experiences with parms and variables along with tips and workarounds to increase your workload automation productivity, avoid missteps, and save your company time and money.

    Thank you, 


    Paul Lester
