I am trying to set up a message bus gateway (latest version v14, under Omnibus as a kafka producer to send events to a kafka environment.
The kafka environment uses SASL_SSL with SCRAM-SHA-512.
When I follow the documentation and set "security.protocol=SASL_SSL" in kafkaClient.properties, no communication happens at all, and the gateway terminates with (gateway log)
- Error: E-GJA-000-000: [ngjava]: XMLGateway: Kafka transport initialization error: class org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException:Failed to construct kafka producer
- Debug: D-GJA-000-000: [ngjava]: XMLGateway: **************************** CONNECT **********************
- Error: E-GJA-000-000: [ngjava]: XMLGateway: com.ibm.tivoli.netcool.integrations.transportmodule.TransportConnectException: Initialization fails. Abort connection attempt.
- at com.ibm.tivoli.netcool.integrations.transportmodule.KafkaTransport(null:-1)
- at com.ibm.tivoli.netcool.integrations.xml.XMLGateway(XMLGateway.java:293)
and (transport.log)
- TRACE [Thread-4] metrics.Metrics (Metrics.java:578) - Registered metric named MetricName [name=buffer-available-bytes, group=producer-metrics, description=The total amount of buffer memory that is not being used (either unallocated or in the free list)., tags={client-id=NetcoolKafkaProducer}]
TRACE [Thread-4] metrics.Metrics (Metrics.java:421) - Added sensor with name errors
INFO [Thread-4] producer.KafkaProducer (KafkaProducer.java:1204) - [Producer clientId=NetcoolKafkaProducer] Closing the Kafka producer with timeoutMillis = 0 ms.
INFO [Thread-4] metrics.Metrics (Metrics.java:659) - Metrics scheduler closed
INFO [Thread-4] metrics.Metrics (Metrics.java:663) - Closing reporter org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.JmxReporter
INFO [Thread-4] metrics.Metrics (Metrics.java:669) - Metrics reporters closed
INFO [Thread-4] utils.AppInfoParser (AppInfoParser.java:83) - App info kafka.producer for NetcoolKafkaProducer unregistered
DEBUG [Thread-4] producer.KafkaProducer (KafkaProducer.java:1256) - [Producer clientId=NetcoolKafkaProducer] Kafka producer has been closed
No traffic at all, and no further error messages, although I believe I have activated all possible tracing/debugging.
When I set "security.protocol=SSL", a communication is established; I can see in the SSL handshake trace that certificates are correct and communication starts. However the kafka broker terminates right when the liveness check starts - which is kind of logical when using the incorrect security protocol.
Can somebody point me in the direction why almost nothing happens when I configure SASL_SSL ?
Many thanks in advance,
Michael Troitzsch
Solution Architect