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  • 1.  How to display Device Model information in sevone

    Posted Mon January 22, 2024 04:55 AM

    Most of the Network monitoring tools are able to display the Device model information via SNMP. Do we have any way out in Sevone to display similar details ? We are looking for some workaround to display that information without any manual update in Metadata.

    sample  model info -- CISCO Catalyst 9600, Cisco Nexus 9300 etc.

    Any leads will be helpful.

    AKHIL Raj

  • 2.  RE: How to display Device Model information in sevone

    IBM TechXchange Speaker
    Posted Mon January 22, 2024 09:55 AM

    Hello Akhil,

    SevOne populates the MIB-2 sysDescription value in the SevOne.sysDescr field (shown here as Version):

    If you want to have a cleaner description, you would need to parse the sysDescr field and add it as a new metadata field, or you could update metadata for devices using an Excel spreadsheet and the SevOne API.  We have a Rapid Network Automation (SANO) workflow that allows you to update metadata fields easily from a spreadsheet if you choose that path.

    Tim Greenside
    Senior Global Solutions Architect

  • 3.  RE: How to display Device Model information in sevone

    Posted Wed January 24, 2024 05:34 AM

    Thank you Tim for the update ,  it would be helpful if you can assist me with  any techdoc to try out the 1st method -parse the sysDescr field and add it as a new metadata field ? 

    AKHIL Raj