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Getting started with Watson for AIOps Event Manager (5/7) - Configure topology group templates

By Zane Bray posted Tue June 07, 2022 10:07 AM

The Getting started with Watson for AIOps Event Manager blog mini-series will cover deployment, configuration, and set-up of Event Manager system to get you off to a fast start, and help you to get quick value from your investment.

This fifth module focuses on topology group templates, the different types, and what each is used for, including for topology-based event correlation.  This module will use on the topology we created in the previous module.

By the end of this module, you will understand the three types of topology template, and have created an example of each type. You will also understand what a "favourite" is and will have added some items to your topology dashboard. Finally, you will have injected some sample events, and will observe them being grouped by the topology-based event grouping function.

This module should take you about 45 minutes to complete and includes the following steps:

Step 1: Create an exact topology template (10 minutes)
Step 2: Create a tag based topology template (10 minutes)
Step 3: Create a dynamic template (10 minutes)
Step 4: Create a tool to inject test events and observe event grouping (10 minutes)
Step 5: View the results of your templates and populate the Topology Dashboard (5 minutes)

Topology group templates are used to create groups of resources. Resource groups make it easier to find and visualise collections of related resources, as well as do event correlation over resources in a group. There are three main types of topology group template:

  • Exact: defines a single group of specific resources
  • Tag-based: defines a single group of resources that share a common tag or tags
  • Dynamic: defines one or more groups that match a prescribed specification

The exact topology group template is useful for when you have a specific collection of resources that are unique in your environment that may be of particular importance. Perhaps you want to be able to find this group of resources quickly and easily, or visualise them on a wall screen.

The tag-based topology allows you to define a group of resources based on one or more common tags. These resources don't have to be connected; they simply need to have the tag in order to be included. Tags can be added to resources via Rules set up in the GUI, or via the tags parameter if creating topology via the File or REST Observers.

The Dynamic template is probably the most versatile of the three topology group templates. Using an example of a set of resources you want to group, the dynamic topology group template will automatically find other groups of resources that follow the same "recipe" as the example you give. As you expose the resources and relationships in the view, the template builder records the steps, and then uses this recipe to find other similar groups of resources.

Step 1: Create an exact topology group template

In this exercise, we will create a template for a specific group of resources for our router (router1) and its connected resources.

Navigate to: AdministrationTopology managementGroup templates

Click on Create a new template and select Exact template.

You will be presented with a Template builder window. From here, use the following steps to configure an exact template sample:

  • Give the template a name and provide a brief description.
  • Choose the Resource group type: network
  • Add a Resource group naming pattern prefix for the resulting group's name: ROUTER-
  • Enable Correlate event groups on topologies from this template if you want to correlate events across these resources.
  • Type router1 in the search box: Search for a resource to get started and hit Enter.
  • Choose router1 from the list of resources.
  • Change the view to 1 hop and click Render.
  • Click Save template & generate resource group.
You should have something like the following:

After returning to the Resource group templates screen, you will see your saved template:

NOTE: An exact topology group template will only ever have 1 resource group.

If you navigate to Resource management and search for ROUTER- , you will see the following under the Resource groups tab:

If you click on the name ROUTER-router1 , you will be able to view the topology group, which consists of 3 resources:

NOTE: if you have enabled event correlation across this group of resources and receive events from these resources, they will be automatically correlated.

Step 2: Create a tag based topology template

In this exercise, we will create a template for group of resources based on their common tag. Note that it's possible to include resources from multiple different tags, but we will just focus on one in this exercise.

Navigate to: AdministrationTopology managementGroup templates

Click on Create a new template and select Tag based template.

You will be presented with a Template builder window. From here, use the following steps to configure an tag based template sample:

  • Give the template a name and provide a brief description.
  • Choose the Resource group type: compute
  • Add a Resource group name for the name of the group of resources: WAIOpsDemoAssets
  • Enable Correlate event groups on topologies from this template if you want to correlate events across these resources.
  • Type WAIOpsDemo in the search box: Search for a tag to get started and hit Enter.
  • Check WAIOpsDemo from the list of available tags and then click the Resources tab to see the list of matching resources.
  • Click Save template & generate resource group.
You should have something like the following:

After returning to the Resource group templates screen, you will see your saved template:

If you navigate to Resource management and search for WAIOpsDemoAssets , you will see the following under the Resource groups tab:

If you click on the name WAIOpsDemoAssets , you will be able to view the topology group, which consists of 8 resources:

Step 3: Create a dynamic template

In this exercise, we will create a dynamic template to create groups of servers that host our applications. We will create a second server computer1001 that hosts the notification and email applications for the purposes of this exercise.

Create a new file called application2.txt with the following contents:

Use the steps included in the previous module to import this file into the Event Manager system and create a new File Observer job to ingest the topology data.

Navigate to: AdministrationTopology managementGroup templates

Click on Create a new template and select Dynamic template.

You will be presented with a Template builder window. From here, use the following steps to configure an tag based template sample:

  • Give the template a name and provide a brief description.
  • Choose the Resource group type: compute
  • Add a Resource group naming pattern prefix for the resulting group's name: APPSERVER-
  • Enable Correlate event groups on topologies from this template if you want to correlate events across these resources.
  • Type computer1000 in the search box: Search for a resource to get started and hit Enter.
  • Choose computer1000 from the list of available resources.
  • Right-click on computer1000 and select RelationshiprunsOn which will expose the applications webserver and billing.
You should have something like the following:

Continue with the following steps:

  • Scroll down on the left side and note that the template has been recording your actions to build a "recipe" for the template.
  • Add a tag to the list of starting seeds if you want to restrict the items matched by this template to just those tagged with specific tags.

  • Continue to scroll down and click Save template & generate resource group.

You should see that the dynamic template builder has found two groups of resources that match the specification:

After returning to the Resource group templates screen, you will see your saved template:

If you navigate to Resource management and search for APPSERVER- , you will see the following under the Resource groups tab:

If you click on either of the group names, you will be able to view the topology group resources.

Step 4: Create a tool to inject test events and observe event grouping

SQL can be injected into the ObjectServer to generate test events that will match the topology groups created in previous steps. If you connected an on-premise Probe to Event Manager in module 2, the simplest way to inject this SQL is to use the Netcool/OMNIbus nco_sql utility from the server where the Probe is installed. Something like the following will achieve this:

$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_sql -server ROKS_AGG_P -user root < my_test_events.sql

If you do not have access to an on-premise Netcool/OMNIbus installation, the same can be achieved via the GUI, via a WebGUI SQL tool.

The SQL you can use to generate synthetic events is as follows:

insert into alerts.status (Identifier, Node, Summary, Severity, Type, AlertGroup) values ('cpu01', 'cpu01', 'cpu01 on computer1000 >90% utilisation', 5, 1, 'VMware');
insert into alerts.status (Identifier, Node, Summary, Severity, Type, AlertGroup) values ('cpu02', 'cpu02', 'cpu02 on computer1000 >80% utilisation', 4, 1, 'VMware');
insert into alerts.status (Identifier, Node, Summary, Severity, Type, AlertGroup) values ('billing', 'billing', 'Billing application ResponseTime >10000msec', 4, 1, 'Instana');
insert into alerts.status (Identifier, Node, Summary, Severity, Type, AlertGroup) values ('webserver', 'webserver', 'Webserver service degraded', 5, 1, 'Instana');

If you are using SQL via the nco_sql utitility, paste it into a file called my_test_events.sql or similar and ingest it using the command provided above.

NOTE: if you are using this method, you must also append "go" to the end of the file contents.

To create a tool to inject these events, navigate to Netcool WebGUI and use the following steps:

  • From Netcool WebGUI, navigate to: AdministrationTool Configuration (Tool Configuration will open).
  • Click on the Create Tool button to create a new tool.
  • Ensure Type is set to SQL and input a name for the tool: injectEvents
  • Paste the above SQL in the SQL Commands box.
  • Click Save to save the tool.
  • From Netcool WebGUI, navigate to: AdministrationMenu Configuration (Menu Configuration will open).
  • Select the alerts menu and click Modify (a pop-up window will open).
  • Select injectEvents from the list of Available Items on the left, and move it across to the Current Items on the right.
  • Rename it to: "Inject Events" to make it more visually appealing (optional).
  • Click Save to save the menu, and close the dialogue box.

Your new tool is ready for use.

Next, use your newly created tool to inject some synthetic events and view the outcome:

  • Return to the main IBM Netcool Operations Insights UI (ie. not WebGUI).
  • Navigate to the Alerts view.
  • Select the Last10Mins filter to reduce the number of events in the view.
  • Select any event and run the Inject Events tool, from  the right-hand pop-up Actions menu.

After completing these steps, waiting a few moments and refreshing the Event view, you should see a group containing your four events. If you click on the Correlation Information button, and then one of the buttons in the topology-based correlation column, you'll see a preview of the topology based group that has caused the correlation of these events:

Step 5: View the results of your templates and populate the Topology Dashboard

Navigate to: Resource management and search for each of the resource groups you have created.

For each one, click on the small heart icon at the right-hand side of each resource group.

Navigate to: DashboardsTopology dashboard and view the result:

Note how two of the groupings have a red and orange halo of colour around them. This is because of the underlying events we created in the previous step, that have now been associated with some of the underlying resources. If you click on the groupings, it will show you a preview of the topology group, and a summary of Status severity breakdown, as well as Topology churn. Clicking on Open full view will take you into the full topology view for the selected topology group, where you can then get a fuller view of the affected topology resources.

You have now completed this module and are ready for module 6: Configure scope-based grouping.
