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See How IBM Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management Can Serve Developers, Operators/SREs, and Security and Compliance Teams

By Ted Will posted Tue September 22, 2020 04:24 PM


It is inevitable that clients are running, or will be running, applications across a variety of deployment options, whether on premises, in traditional IT centers, or across public and private clouds.  Applications and data that have to be under the strictest of controls may be running behind a corporate firewall.  Other applications, that need the same data and require the agility and scalability offered by cloud deployments, can run outside the firewall.  The ability to run workloads using the most appropriate deployment location allows optimizing IT economics like never before.  It does come with its challenges, however.  In particular, managing and maintaining this sprawling IT estate’s consistency, governance, and security while not losing the advantages of its flexibility, scalability, and agility.

IBM’s Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management (CP4MCM) closes the gap on these challenges while enabling the advantages of a hybrid IT estate.  It provides a single pane of glass from which IT professionals can manage the following:

  • Application Lifecycle Management
  • Container Environment Management
  • Cloud Workload Protection and Compliance
  • VM Environment Management
  • Automation via Terraform or Ansible
  • SRE Tooling and
  • Chargeback

Seeing is believing…Check it out in the demo video below or watch the full webinar “on-demand” that delves into the full features and functions here.

