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NOI and APM Deep technical enablement

By Nathan Cullen posted Fri September 14, 2018 11:53 AM


IBM caters for clients at all levels. As our partners we know you will be dealing with the same levels of variability and complexity. This is our strength. With this in mind we thought it would be good to share some of the knowledge we in IBM have picked up in our interactions with clients.

To start this process we gathered the internal APM (Application Performance Management) and NOI (Netcool Operations Insights) teams, including our NOI best practices team, who are tasked with going on site with and dealing with some of our more complex engagements, and we asked them about the challenges they face in meeting the needs of clients. We pulled together the collateral and tools they use day in day out, and then we worked with our enablement team to create a place where we could capture this expertise so it could be accessed by our partners.

Our new deep technical enablement has been created with the purpose gathering best practice experience from inside the IBM organization and sharing it with you, so you can drive the same results.


NOI Deep Technical Enablement


APM Deep Technical Enablement


Who is it for?

The enablement is for all levels of partner. For those partners who are brand new to the product all the way to those who are experts and who simply want to plug into what the latest available information is.


What does it contain?

If you are a business partner that focuses solely on sales, the deep technical enablement contains what you need to learn about and to present the offering; slide sets, videos of presentations, and value statement collateral.

If you are more technically focused, and your job is more hands on, the deep technical enablement contains direction on how to do the basics, i.e., get your hands on the software, install the software, and videos on how to demo the software. It also contains direction on how to successfully run a proof of concept with a client, as well as direction on continuing to grow your skills and tackle other more advanced technical scenarios.


Let us know what you think

The deep technical enablement has been created to function as a living document, a window onto the collateral that we have and have gathered with our partners in mind. If there are elements of that missing, which you think should be there and which are essential to your success, please reach out and let us know.

1 comment



Fri September 14, 2018 11:56 AM

Thank you for the post, Nathan! 

For anyone that's interested, this post coincides with a webcast recently presented, and the replay can be found here.