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Demo of the latest software networking technology, use cases, and value identification.

By Natalia Russi-Vigoya posted Thu September 07, 2023 12:35 PM


I am excited to share that I will be at the Experience Zone at the upcoming IBM TechXchange Conference from Sept 11-Sept 14th in Las Vegas

This zone allows the attendees to have their voices heard to influence software networking products directly. You will see a demo of future products. You will have the opportunity to provide your opinion on future concepts and help us tailor the products so they add value to you and your organization.

Here are some more details about the Software Networking sessions at the Experience Zone: 

  • Tuesday from 2pm to 4pm
  • Wednesday from 2pm to 5pm

We have collated all of our collective sessions and resources for Software Networking at this location

"Fun facts" about myself:

  • I love spending time with my family
  • I enjoy arts, crafts, and photography
  • I recently filed a patent to support neurodivergent individuals












