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IBM Champion Spotlight: Dominic Lehr

By Namitha K posted Fri March 08, 2024 05:30 AM


With many years of experience in IT projects spanning ITIL, IT Service Management, application development, consulting, and general project management, Dominic has honed a talent for ensuring smooth project progress and driving initiatives in the right direction. His technical expertise enables him to gain a deeper understanding of complex situations and converse at the same level as industry experts. Additionally, his excellent communication skills in both German and English facilitate open and focused communication channels. Currently, Dominic is working as a Principal Consultant at TIMETOACT Software & Consulting and has been a Champion during 2019-2022 and has rejoined the program in 2024!


“IBM's AI capabilities are truly impressive! Their innovative approach to leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning enables us as a system integrator to revolutionise various customer deployments, drives efficiency, productivity, and showcases breakthrough insights. Their strategic focus on integrating AI into business operations, from healthcare to network service providers, demonstrates their vision for a smarter, more interconnected future. IBM's leadership in AI is not just about cutting-edge technology; it's about empowering organisations to unlock new opportunities and achieve greater success in a rapidly evolving digital landscape”


Dominic admires the whole automation portfolio; “ CloudPak for AIOps, Instana and Turbonomic- this product portfolio is a unique offering: Having these tools in place, anyone can monitor any type of environment and ensure it is running in an optimal state: That saves on all ends!”. His favourite type of advocacy is speaking and he is a treasured member in the Community; “I’m passionate for the IBM software we offer to our customers: I strongly believe in the functionality of this software and its importance to the market. We build strong relationships with our customers. This not only helps them to get the most out of the Software (because we understand their needs), it also ensures a long lasting relationship with IBM”.

If he weren’t a part of the technology world, he would have been a farmer!

Lightning round:

·      What would be your superpower and why? Being super strong because I still hit the gym three days a week.

·      Ice cream or cake? Cake

·      Cats or dogs? DOGS for sure! 

·      Summer or winter? Summer

·      Morning or evening? Morning

·      eBook or paper book? Depends: Technical stuff in eBooks, reading in bed: Paper book.

·      TV shows or movies? Movies.

·      A night out or a night in? Night in to prepare for the night out!

·      Cannonball into the pool or dip a toe in first? Cannonball!

·      Go-to karaoke song? No.

·      Drive or fly? Drive, petrol head 😉

Connect with Dominic in LinekdIn and Community page







