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IBM Champion Spotlight:  Davyd Norris

By Namitha K posted Wed December 20, 2023 06:56 AM



Meet the IBM Champion Davyd Norris, who is a Principal Consultant/Director at Olive Grove IT Pty Ltd. He is a Technical Thought Leader with extensive experience leading client teams through organisational change across all aspects of the Software Development Lifecycle. He has been a Champion for last three years! However, he has a significant history of experience with IBM products. He says, “I started out at Rational Software in 1996, which was acquired by IBM in 2003, and I worked in the Rational brand in IBM until 2016. So the traditional Rational and Telelogic tools, and Engineering Lifecycle Management platform are my favourites. My absolute favourite IBM product was IBM Rational Software Architect but that was sold to HCL some time ago. I really miss working with it!”
    His favourite type of advocacy is to help out others on the IBM forums, answering people's questions from all over the world. He also loves mentoring and giving lectures to university students.
    He is highly driven to give back to the technology community and to excel as an IBM Champion; “I have always been passionate about helping people deliver complex systems - with better quality and predictability, and I turned out to be the person my colleagues or IBM Business Partners would call when they have a problem! I think by helping people I have learnt even more than I have imparted!”
    He has many significant achievements throughout his career but he is particularly proud about this one achievement; “In my early days with Rational Software I worked with Cochlear to help them document and define the architecture of their implant software and to get a better understanding of the code that went into them. One day I was invited to watch a young child as their implant was turned on for the first time - there wasn't a dry eye in the house”.

    If he weren’t a part of the technology world he would have been a Musician! He says, “I have played music at a professional level since I was 17 years old and have a recording studio at home, so it would definitely be music! I seriously considered turning my studio into a full time job after leaving IBM!”
    This is what he would like to say to the new IBM Champions, “You may not realise the value of your knowledge or it may be just a part of your every day work, but it is of great value to somebody out there! If you find yourself as a go-to person for IBM related information or problem solving, then you may be a Champion without even knowing it!”

Meet Davyd in person at the upcoming AgileAus24 where he would be presenting a session and he is also a part of the 'brains trust' for the event.


Lightning round:

What would be your superpower and why?  To instantly know exactly where I put things, like my glasses, my car keys, my pen, my iPad....
Ice cream or cake? Ice cream (pistachio gelato!)
Cats or dogs? All of both kinds - as many as I can have!!!
Summer or winter? Winter
Morning or evening? Evening
eBook or paper book? Paper
TV shows or movies? Movies
A night out or a night in? In, definitely in!
Cannonball into the pool or dip a toe in first? Go hard or go home - cannonball
Go-to karaoke song? Tequila - crowd favorite and everyone knows the one lyric :-)
Drive or fly? Drive

Connect with Davyd in LinkedIn and Community page.








