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Insights on Watson AIOps Topology Match Tokens

By Jeya Gandhi Rajan M posted Tue December 06, 2022 08:23 AM


This article gives insights about Topology Match Tokens in Watson AIOps.

The detailed documentation about defining merge rules is available in IBM documentation

1. Create Match Token

  1. Create match token with the below condition.
  • Tokens : name
  • Resource Types : deployment

Match Token Match Token Match Token

  1. Merge Token Created Match Token

2. View Resource Details

The merge token is created. Let us review the Resource details with the merge token.

  1. Right click on the ilender-user deployment resource and click on the Resource details menu. Match Token

  2. Here is the resource details of the ilender-user deployment.

You can see the properties like _id, resourcetype and etc.

Click on the Show Json option button. Match Token

  1. The json view of the ilender-user deployment resource properties is displayed.

The json file is available here.

You can see the properties like _id, resourcetype and etc.

You can also note that the matchTokens property contains the values of

  • unique id : f35675ff-be21-4851-a892-3cd1a5f7721b
  • deployment resource name : ilender-user
    "matchTokens": [

Match Token

3. Pushing Events with Match Token

Lets push an event to kafka topic using match token and see in Alert Viewer.

  1. Create Kafka topic like this Match Token

  2. Create Event file like the below. Sample file is available here

The ilender-user value from this "application":"ilender-user" property would be taken and matched with fields _id and matchTokens. Match Token

  1. Push the events to kafka.

Refer this article

  1. The pushed event is super embossed on the topology as an alert like the below. Match Token

  2. There is an alert created in the Alert Viewer. Match Token

4. Pushing Events with _id

By default, _id field is used to map the event to topology resource. When the resources are recreated, then this _id would change, so event also to be modified. To overcome this probelm only the match token concept is available.

Lets see how _id field is used here.

  1. Create Event file like the below. Sample file is available here

The f35675ff-be21-4851-a892-3cd1a5f7721b value from this "application":"f35675ff-be21-4851-a892-3cd1a5f7721b" property would be taken and matched with field _id in the topology resources.

Match Token

  1. Push the events to kafka.

  2. There is an alert created in the Alert Viewer. Match Token

1 comment



Wed December 07, 2022 02:53 AM

Very good insights shared here.