This document helps to install Humio on RedHat OpenShift Container Platform.
The application logs are pushed to the Humio instance. The WAIOps pulls logs from the Humio and use it for logs anomaly detection.
1. Installation
Humio is installed in OpenShift namespace humio-ns
The installation is done via the script files/ There is a supporting file files/values.yaml is also available.
Here are the steps to install
1. Login into OpenShift
Login into OCP using oc login command.
2. Goto the files folder
Run the below command
3. Run the install script
Run the below command to install Humio
4. Output
The installation would be completed and the output could be like this.
Humio URL :
Humio User : developer
Humio Password : humiopassword
2. Using Humio in WAIOps
Access the Humio console using the above printed Humio URL, user and password.
Goto Account Settings page and get the API Token .

Humio Connection in WAIOps
Humio Service URL
Enter Humio Service URL
in Humio Integration in WAIOps console.
Here is the url format.
http://<< URL >>/api/v1/repositories/<< REPOSITORY >>/query
- << URL >> : The above retrived Humio URL
- << REPOSITORY >> : Repository name in humio. The default repository is
Sample Humio URLs :
Enter above retrieved API Token

To Ingest logs in Humio
To Ingest logs in humio, you need Humio URL
and API Token
from the respository.
Humio URL
Here is the url format.
http://<< URL >>/api/v1/ingest/humio-unstructured
- << URL >> : The above retrived Humio URL
Sample Humio URLs :
API Token
Copy the API Token from SandBox >> Settings >> API Token >> Copy

3. ReInstall or Remove
To reinstall or remove this humio install, you can delete the helm and namespace.
helm delete humio-instance
oc delete ns humio-ns
4. Note
This document is based on RedHat OpenShift 4.8 on IBM Cloud (ROKS).