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WAIOps v3.2 - Series 07 : Create AI-Model Definition

By Jeya Gandhi Rajan M posted Tue December 28, 2021 02:36 AM


This article explains about how create to AI-Model Definition for the following in Watson AIOps.

  • Log Anomaly detection
  • Similar Incidents

The article is based on the the following

  • RedHat OpenShift 4.8 on IBM Cloud (ROKS)
  • Watson AIOps 3.2.0

1. Create AI-Model Definition for log anomaly

  1. Click on AI Model Management link

  1. Click on Configure link in Log anomaly detection - natural language card

  1. Click on Next

  1. Enter the below field values
  • Configuration Name
  • Configuration Description
  1. Click on Next

  1. Enter the below field values
  • Custom : On
  • Start Date: Yesterday date
  • End Date: Tomorrow date

(While training, we will go for live logs and the date of the live logs should fall under this date range)

  1. Click on Next

  1. Click on Next

  1. Click on Next

  1. Enter the below field values
  • Deployment Type : On Completion
  1. Click on Done

  1. See the status as Configured

  1. Click on Manage tab.

The Log Anomaly model training definition is displayed.

2. Create AI-Model Definition for Similar Incidents

  1. Goto the page AI Model Management

  2. Click on Configure link in Similar Incidents card


  1. Click on Next


  1. Enter the below field values
  • Configuration Name
  • Configuration Description
  1. Click on Next


  1. Click on Next


  1. Click on Done


  1. Similar incidents training definition is created


  1. Click on Manage tab.

The Similar incidents training definition is displayed.


Released by :

Jeya Gandhi Rajan M
Vijaya Bhaskar R Siddareddi
Vijay Sukthankar (Squad Leader)

Hybrid-Cloud Squad
GSI Labs

