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ServiceNow and WAIOps : 1 - Create ServiceNow incidents for Similar Incidents in Watson AIOps

By Jeya Gandhi Rajan M posted Wed September 08, 2021 03:12 PM


This article explains about how to create incidents in ServiceNow for Similar Incidents training in Watson AIOps.

The below steps to be followed to create incidents in ServiceNow.

  1. Create ServiceNow users demo1 and demo2
  2. Assign incident_manager role to the above users
  3. demo1 user create Incidents
  4. demo2 user resolve those Incidents
  5. demo1 user close those Incidents

1. Create ServiceNow Users

Lets create demo1 and demo2 users using the steps below.

  1. Enter user in the top left search box to get Users menu on the left menu bar.

  2. Click on Users menu.

  3. Click New button on the top.

  1. Enter the following values.
  • UserId. The value could be demo1.
  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • Password
  1. Click on Submit button

User would have been created and displayed like the below.

  1. Click New button on the top to create another user.

  1. Enter the following values.
  • UserId. The value could be demo2.
  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • Password
  1. Click on Submit button

User would have been created and displayed like the below.

2. Assign incident_manager Role

  1. Choose the demo1 user

  1. Click on Edit under the Roles tab

  1. Type incident in the Collections text box.

You should get incident_manager role displayed in the list box.

  1. Move the role to the right side list box

  2. Click on Save button to save this role.

  1. Repeat the same steps (1 to 5) for demo2 user.

3. Create Incidents

Create incidents using demo1 user.

  1. Login as demo1 user.

  2. Enter Incident in the top left search box to get Create New menu on the left menu bar.

  3. Click on Create New menu.

  1. Enter the following values.
  • Caller
  • Short Description
  • Description
  • Impact
  • Urgency
  • Priority

You can use the following text for Short Description

Having problems with Creditscore service 
Unable to access Creditscore service
Creditscore service unavailable
Issue with Creditscore service
Cannot access Creditscore service
Creditscore service is Down
Creditscore service is not responding
  1. Click on Submit button.

The incident would have been created and displayed like the below.

  1. Repeat the steps 3, 4 and 5 to create atleast 5 incidents.

The incidents list would look like this.

4. Resolve Incidents

Resolve incidents using demo2 user.

  1. Login as demo2 user.

  2. Enter Incident in the top left search box. It shows all opened incidents.

  3. Click on Incident menu.

It shows the incident list as like below.

  1. Select an incident from the list

  1. Enter the following values.
  • Knowledge
  • Resolution Code
  • Resolution Notes

You can use the following text for Resolution Notes

Creditscore service pod is restarted and it is working now.
Creditscore pod is killed and it is functioning properly.
Reinstalled the Creditscore pod.
Redeploying the Creditscore service solved the problem.
  1. Click on Resolve button.

The incident is resolved.

  1. Repeat the steps 4, 5 and 6 to resolve all the 5 incidents created.

The incidents list would look like.

5. Close Incidents

Close incidents using demo1 user.

  1. Login as demo1 user.

  2. Goto incident list screen

  3. Choose one incident from the list

  1. Enter the following values.
  • Additional Comments
  1. Click on Close Incident button.

The incident is resolved.

  1. Repeat the steps 3, 4 and 5 to close all the 5 incidents created.

Released by :

  • Jeya Gandhi Rajan M
  • Vijaya Bhaskar R Siddareddi
  • Vijay Sukthankar (Squad Leader)

Hybrid-Cloud Squad, GSI Labs


