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Instana and WAIOps Integration : 6 - Create Alert Channels in Instana

By Jeya Gandhi Rajan M posted Wed September 08, 2021 02:37 PM


This article explains about how to create Alert Channels in Instana.


  • A Webhook should have been created in IBM Watson AIOps Event Manager (NOI) to receive event alerts from Instana. The Webhook generated URL should have been noted and be available to use here.


The Objective is to create Alert Channel that points to the Webhook in IBM Watson AIOps Event Manager (NOI).

Steps to create Alert Channel

  1. Choose the menu Alert Channels under the configuration section.

  2. Choose the Add Alert Channels button on the right.

  3. Choose the IBM Watson AIOps Webhook option from the list.

  1. Enter the values for the below fields as shown in the screenshot.
  • Name
  • WebHook URL

Here WebHook URL referes to the URL noted while creating the webhook IBM Watson AIOps Webhook in IBM Watson AIOps Event Manager (NOI).

  1. Click on Create button.

  1. Alert channel is created and available as below.

Next Step

Alert Channel is created here. You can create Alert to complete Instana with Watson AIOps Integration.

Prev : Create Events in Instana

Next : Create Alert in Instana

Home : Integrating Instana with Watson AIOps

Released by :

  • Jeya Gandhi Rajan M
  • Vijaya Bhaskar R Siddareddi
  • Vijay Sukthankar (Squad Leader)

Hybrid-Cloud Squad, GSI Labs


