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What's New ! Configuring AI-Manager in Watson AI-Ops

By Jeya Gandhi Rajan M posted Tue February 09, 2021 11:25 AM


This article explains about how to configure AI-Manager for training and inferencing the logs/events/incidents.

This article is based on

  • RedHat OpenShift 4.5 on IBM Cloud (ROKS)
  • Watson AI-Ops 2.1


The core capabilities of the AI-Manager in Watson AI-Ops are

  • Log Anomaly Detection
  • Event Grouping
  • Incident Similarity

It is required to do the following configurations in AI-Manager before training and inferencing the logs/events/incidents.

  • AI Manager Instance
    • Application Groups at Instance level
    • Ops Integration at Instance level (Slack, ServiceNow)
  • Application Groups
    • Applications at Application Group Level
    • Ops Integration at Application Group Level (ASM Toplogy)
  • Applications
    • Ops Integration at Application Level (LogDNA, Humio, PagerDuty, NOI-Events, ELK, Splunk)
    • Insight Models at Application Level (Logs/incidents/events training)

Here is the architecture and flow of Watson AI-Ops.

Note: Humio is used in the architecture. But you can use LogDNA as well.

Here is teh overall steps to be done for Log Anomaly detection. As part of this article, we will do the highlighted steps.

  1.  Integrate Slack at AI-Manager Instance level
  2.  Create Application Group
  3.  Integrate ASM at App Group level
  4.  Create Application (bookinfo)
  5.  Train Log Anomaly Models (LogDNA)
  6.  Integrate LogDNA at app level
  7.  Introduce Log Anomaly at BookInfo app
  8.  View new Incident in a slack story

Here is the picture about overall steps.

1. AI-Manager Instance

Open AI-Manager console.

Click on the View All to see the AI-manager instances.

The below picture shows the AI-Manager instances list. Here there is one entry found with the name aimanager. This was installed by default when the AI-Manager was installed.

Click on the Open link to see details of the instance.

At AI-Manager instane level the following can be configured.

  • Application Groups
  • Ops Integration (Slack, ServiceNow)

1.1 Application Groups at AI-Manager Instance Level

We can create Application groups at this level. The below picture shows list of Application groups available in the aimanager instance.

There is a group called Financial Apps already created and listed here.

1.2 Ops Integrations at AI-Manager Instance Level

The below picture shows the Ops Integration where slack is being already integrated.

Click on the ... link to see details of the slack integration.

1.2.1 Slack configuration

The below picture shows the slack configuration details.

You should have already created a slack channel and those details to be furnished here.

2. Application Group

At Application Group level the following can be configured.

  • Applications
  • Ops Integration (ASM Toplogy)

2.1 Application Group Configuration

Select a group

Click on the ... link to see details of the Financial Apps group.


Here is the configuration of the Group.

You need to enter slack channel id in the Platform Channel ID.


The create group screens looks like the below.

2.2 Ops Integration at Application Group Level

The below picture shows that the Financial Apps group is integrated with ASM.

Click on the ... link to see details of the ASM integration.

2.2.1 ASM (Netcool Agile Service Manager) Configuration

Here is the configuration of the ASM. The details to each field is given below the picture. 

a) User ID and Password

Search for secret contains name topology-asm-credentials

You can find the username and password from there.


username : noi-topology-aiops21-user

b) URLs


  • devaiops -> namespace where ai-ops installed
  • eventmgrinst -> ai-manager instance id
  • -> cluster URL

c) Certificate

  1. Get into a shell of the pod contains topology-topology
 oc exec -it $(oc get po| grep topology-topology |awk '{print $1}') bash
  1. Run the below command to print the certificate.

Copy the certificate and use it

2.3 Application at Application Group Level

The below picture shows list of applications installed under the Financial Apps group.

3. Applications

At Application level the following can be configured.

  • Ops Integration (LogDNA, Humio, PagerDuty, NOI-Events, ELK, Splunk)
  • Insight Models (Logs/incidents/events training)

From the above picture, click on the bookinfo app to see details of that.

3.1 Ops Integration at Application level

At App level integration can be done with below tools.


In most of the cases, atleast 2 integrations are configured per app.

  • NOI-Events using Kafka
  • Logs using LogDNA or Humio

3.1.1 Integration with LogDNA and Kafka

The below picture shows that the application is integrated with LogDNA and Kafka.

You can click on ... link to see details of the LogDNA and Kafka.

Note: You can do this step only after training the logs. LogDNA

  1. The below picture shows the LogDNA configuration.

  1. You can get the LogDNA Service Key from the below location in the logdna UI.

  1. You may need to update the Mapping as well.
    "codec": "logdna",
    "message_field": "_line",
    "log_entity_types": "pod,_cluster,container",
    "instance_id_field": "_app",
    "rolling_time": 10,
    "timestamp_field": "_ts"
} Kafka (NOI-Events)

The below picture shows the NOI-Events configuration.

3.1.2 Integration with Humio and Kafka

The below picture shows that the application is integrated with Humio and Kafka.

You can click on ... link to see details of the Humio and Kafka.


  1. The below picture shows the Humio configuration.

  1. You can get the Humio Service Key from the below location in the Humio UI.

  1. You may need to update the Mapping as well.

    "codec": "humio",
    "message_field": "@rawstring",
    "log_entity_types": "clusterName, kubernetes.container_image_id,, kubernetes.container_name, kubernetes.pod_name",
    "instance_id_field": "kubernetes.container_name",
    "rolling_time": 10,
    "timestamp_field": "@timestamp"

3.1.3 Other Integrations options to the app

The below picture shows create ops integration screen with other integration options such as Humio, ELK and etc.

3.2 Insight Models

The below picture shows the Insight Models configured for the application.

You can train the logs, incidents, events and etc.


IBM Knowledge Centre :

Other related Articles

Training Log anomaly models for AI Manager in Watson AIOps

Log Anomaly Detection by AI-Manager in Watson AI-Ops

Authors :

- Jeya Gandhi Rajan M

- Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy Siddareddi


