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ITM Agent Insight: Unable to Upgrade Tivoli Common Reporting V3.1.2.0

By IMWUC Community Team posted Fri February 16, 2018 08:06 AM


by Mahul Darji

This blog  is intended to help you understand and walk you through steps where users are Unable to upgrade Tivoli Common Reporting V3.1.2.0 from Jazz for Service Management V1.1.2.0 as a root user.

1. Download Tivoli Common Reporting V3.1.2.0 from Fixcentral from the following location: 


2. Extract 3.1.2-TIV-JazzSM-TCR-COGNOS-

3. After the extraction, folder structure is as displayed in the image: 



                               Note: The BI folder is empty 

4. Copy Cognos 10.2 base image from existing Tivoli Common Reporting V3.1 or V3.1.0.1 folder to the location as detailed in the extract : 

For example, for UNIX use the following command:

cp -rf

5. If the Reporting Services Environment entry does not exist in Installation Manager > Uninstall during upgrade, follow these steps:

- Copy the attached|View Details file to the file system. For example: C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Reporting_patch\
- Extract the zip. For example : C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Reporting_patch\ReportingService
- Launch Installation Manager
- Go to File-->Preferences--> Add Repository
- Provide the extracted location. For example : C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Reporting_patch\ReportingService

- Click Test Connection and see if that repository are connected and in green status.
- Click OK
- Click Install
- Select Reporting Services Environment-->Version
- Click Next
- Accept the License agreement and click Next
- Use the existing package group ( default option selected) --> Click Next
- Leave the options selected by default. Click Next
- Provide the Websphere Application Server credentials and Click Validate
- On successful validation click Next
- Provide the existing content store DB credentials and click Next.
(Note: A database already exists. You need not create a Database. The installation does not fail even if we create a new DB. If a new DB is created, it is not used if you are performing an upgradation. Select Existing Database and select the appropriate database used for installing the previous version. It is highly recommended to take a manual backup of the current content store DB before starting the upgrade.Once the content store is upgraded/connected to the newer version of Cognos, the schema gets updated that cannot be used in case rollback is required.
- Click Install
- After successful installation of Reporting Services Environment, Click Finish.

To continue with upgrading Tivoli Common Reporting:

- Add the new Jazz for Service Management repository link. For example : C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\112\JazzSMFPRepository\disk1\diskTag.inf
- Click Upgrade option in Installation Manager.
- Refer for steps to upgrade Tivoli Common Reporting

6. You can now upgrade Tivoli Common Reporting either through IBM Installation Manager or launchpad 

Note: You can download IBM Cognos from Fixcentral or from PPA(Passport Advantage). PPA includes both IBM Cognos V10.2 base and V10.2 Fix Pack 4 whereas Fixcentral contains only IBM Cognos V10.2 Fix Pack 4.

