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IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents
Join us 23 January from 11 AM - 6 PM ET as over 30 speakers from IBM and key AI industry leaders discuss the latest AI trends.
CP4AIOps MustGather tool came with a "VIEW-ONLY" mode, that was designed to execute repetitive ad-hoc tasks that do not constitute a data collection.If you execute command " -V .listviews", you will see a list of available view-only modules:In this blog, let's explore how you can use the "VIEW-ONLY" mode to get connected to the various datastores in CP4AIOps.Due to the fact that CP4AIOps MustGather is "product version aware", all the commands will return connection commands that are specific to the CP4AIOps version detected on site. All connection details are harvested during runtime and not hardcoded. The user only need to "copy and paste" the commands to get connected to the datastores.NOTE: The connection templates normally return 2 sections:(a) [SCRIPT TEMPLATE] You can use the codes provided in your own script.(b) [DIRECT COMMAND EXECUTION] You can use the commands directly on a terminal/shell.(1) KafkaCOMMAND: -V kafka-conn-template(2) ElasticSearchCOMMAND: -V elasticsearch-conn-template(3) CassandraCOMMAND: -V cassandra-conn-template(4) FlinkCOMMAND: -V flink-conn-template(5) PostgresCOMMAND: -V postgres-conn-templateThere you go! A fast and painless way to get connected to the various CP4AIOps datastores!