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New Alert viewer in Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps 3.2.0

By BRYAN HOBBERT posted Thu November 18, 2021 11:15 AM

IBM Cloud Pak® for Watson AIOps enables you to identify health issues across your application, services, and network infrastructure on a single management console. New in Version 3.2 is the Alert viewer that brings together alert details, alert severity, and alert filtering.

ChatOps notifications
From a ChatOps integration (with Slack or Microsoft Teams), you can launch into an Alert viewer that shows the alerts associated to a specific story. (A story represents the context around an issue which is currently severely impacting operations.)
By default, alerts are sorted in the Alert viewer by Ranking. Alerts are ranked in order of likelihood of being the cause of the story. Where rankings are the same, alerts are sorted by their Severity. Some alerts are presented in alert groups, based on analytics. Using the Alert viewer, you can explore why these alerts were grouped together, and this can help with alert resolution.

All alerts in one place
You can also display all the alerts found by IBM Cloud Pak® for Watson AIOps, not just the alerts associated to a specific story. To access the system-wide Alert viewer, go to the main navigation menu in the upper-left corner of the screen, then click Operate > Alert viewer. Note, the Ranking column and Correlation information icon are only displayed on alert lists within the context of a story.

The Alert viewer displays the severity, state, summary, type, and more for every alert in the table. If the resource on which an alert occurred can be located in the network topology system, a large dot is presented in the
Topology column. Click the dot to display a topology map for this alert, centered on the resource on which the alert occurred.
Use the search icon to search for text in any of the columns displayed in the table. You can also filter the alerts in the table based on one of the following criteria: severity, enrichment, grouping, or state. The refresh icon refreshes the Alert viewer to view all the latest alerts at the current point in time.

Related information
 As mentioned above, on a story's alert lists accessed via a ChatOps integration, you can also display correlation information to understand why alerts have been grouped together. This option displays the underlying temporal, topological, and scope-based groups.
• Temporal group column
Based on alert history, alerts in this column tend to occur within a short time of each other.
• Scope-based group column
Alerts in this column occur within a configurable time window on an administrator defined scope, such as a location, service, or resource.
• Topological group column
Alerts in this column occur on resources within a predefined section of your network topology.
Clicking the dot in any of these columns opens the sidebar, where information on the alert group is displayed.
For more information on Alert viewer and  managing alerts in IBM Cloud Pak® for Watson AIOps, see the IBM Documentation.

