the idea is to add a new interval, cleanupTasks[i] following each intervalVar tasks[i] in the sequence var associated with the resource. Then the length of cleanupTasks[i] is constrained to be the transition time between tasks[i] and the next task in the sequence, or to be 0 if tasks[i] is the last task of the sequence.
Original Message:
Sent: Fri January 10, 2025 08:53 PM
From: Ross Dye
Subject: Using Docplex CP and Python
Hi Olivier
and I'm not fluent in C++ ! !
Could you simply describe the methodology please, then I will implement it in my code.
You say you are creating "an intervalVar associated with each transition". Do you mean:
a) one for every gap between production activities (intervalVar), or
b) one where there is a transition created by the transition matrix between intervalVars with different types
Ross Dye
Original Message:
Sent: Fri January 10, 2025 06:21 AM
From: Olivier Lhomme
Subject: Using Docplex CP and Python
it suffices to add an objective to minimize the sum of the transition tasks lengths.
First, create an intervalVar associated with each transition.
Then add a constraint to set the length of this interval. This is the tricky part as it depends on the two tasks around it.
Also the case of the last task has to be handled, what can be done by introducing a fake type 0.
You get:
#include <ilcp/cp.h>IloInt NbTypes = 3; // real types are in [1..NbTypes-1], the additional type 0 is used for handling the last taskIloInt Distances[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 0, 20, 20};IloInt NbTasks = 2;IloInt TaskDur[] = { 3, 5};IloInt TaskType[] = { 1, 2};IloInt StartMin[] = { 10, 20};IloInt EndMax[] = { 50, 1000};int main(int, const char*[]) { IloEnv env; try { IloModel model(env); IloTransitionDistance distances(env, NbTypes); for (IloInt i = 0; i < NbTypes; ++i) { for (IloInt j = 0; j < NbTypes; ++j) { distances.setValue(i, j, Distances[NbTypes*i+j]); } } IloIntArray distancesArray(env, NbTypes*NbTypes); for (IloInt i = 0; i < NbTypes; ++i) { for (IloInt j = 0; j < NbTypes; ++j) { distancesArray[i*NbTypes+j]= Distances[NbTypes*i+j]; } } IloIntArray tp(env, NbTasks); IloIntervalVarArray tasks(env, NbTasks); IloIntervalVarArray cleanupTasks(env, NbTasks); IloIntervalVarArray alltasks(env); IloIntExprArray transitionLengths(env); char name[100]; for (IloInt i = 0; i < NbTasks; ++i) { IloInt type = TaskType[i]; IloInt d = TaskDur[i]; tp[i] = type; sprintf(name, "tasks%ld_TP%ld", (long)i, (long)type); tasks[i] = IloIntervalVar(env, d, name); tasks[i].setStartMin(StartMin[i]); tasks[i].setEndMax(EndMax[i]); sprintf(name, "cleanup-%ld", (long)i); cleanupTasks[i] = IloIntervalVar(env, name); model.add(IloStartAtEnd(env, cleanupTasks[i], tasks[i])); alltasks.add(tasks[i]); alltasks.add(cleanupTasks[i]); transitionLengths.add(IloLengthOf(cleanupTasks[i])); } IloIntervalSequenceVar s1(env, tasks, tp); model.add(IloNoOverlap(env, s1, distances, IloTrue)); IloIntervalSequenceVar s2(env, alltasks); model.add(IloNoOverlap(env, s2)); for (IloInt i = 0; i < NbTasks; ++i) { model.add(IloLengthOf(cleanupTasks[i]) == distancesArray[NbTypes*tp[i] + IloTypeOfNext(s1, tasks[i], 0)]); } model.add(IloMinimize(env, IloSum(transitionLengths))); IloCP cp(model); if (cp.solve()) { IloIntervalVar act; for (act = cp.getFirst(s2); act.getImpl() != 0; act = cp.getNext(s2, act)) cp.out() << cp.domain(act) << std::endl; } else { cp.out() << "No solution found." << std::endl; } cp.end(); } catch (IloException& ex) { env.out() << "Caught: " << ex << std::endl; } env.end(); return 0;}
Olivier Lhomme
Original Message:
Sent: Tue January 07, 2025 12:05 AM
From: Ross Dye
Subject: Using Docplex CP and Python
I am building a production scheduling application. I have a number of production resources, and for each I have modelled a sequence_var with a transition matrices for each.
These are "working" but I need to improve the solution, as too many transitions occur for the resource. If I let the solver run for a long time (eg 20 minutes) the solution improves, ie activities are scheduled "better" by improved grouping to reduce the number of transitions.
How can I improve the model to reduce transitions. I have considered calculating total transition time (but don't know how) and using the objective to minimise transition time. Any suggestions on how to calculate transition time?
Any other suggestions to improve "performance" of sequence vars? Can I try search phases or variable priorities with sequence_vars?
Any other suggestion would be GREATLY appreciated
Ross Dye