Decision Optimization

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  • 1.  Resources for extending the CP Optimizer

    Posted Fri September 08, 2023 11:41 AM


    The last couple of years I've been successfully using the CP optimizer for solving lots of optimization problems.

    I'm quite confident with all the modelling possibilities, but now I'm want to try and experiment with the internals of the optimization engine.

    I've tried reading through the extension manual and also the custom search examples, but to be honest it feels so hard to follow both the logic but also the code sometimes. So I was wondering if there are any sort of resources or tutorials that cover these topics.

    My main endeavour with this effort is to be able to trace the search path followed by the CP optimizer and use some problem specific knowledge to impose values to groups of variables in an effort to guide the search process.

    Any help is kindly appreciated!


  • 2.  RE: Resources for extending the CP Optimizer

    Posted Mon September 11, 2023 03:53 AM

    Most resources for using CP optimizer are available on-line.

    Do you have some specific examples to illustrate the questions you'd like to answer ?
    Which language are you using for your projects (OPL, python, C++) ? (low level C++ API gives access to more functionalities)

    The usual strategy to customize search in CP is to use search phases, which specify the order in which variables should be instantiated during search. This feature is available in all languages.

    By configuring the log parameters (in particular, the LogPeriod parameter), it is also possible to track the order in which the variables are tested during search (at the cost of displaying a lot of information). If your goal is to get a better understanding of CP internal search, you may use this feature while solving small problems...

    I hope this information will help you.

    Best regards,

    Hugues Juille

  • 3.  RE: Resources for extending the CP Optimizer

    Posted Mon September 11, 2023 04:47 AM

    Thanks Juille. I'm using C++. Indeed I've found a lot of resources for extending the CP optimizer on the online documentation. I was just thinking if there was a more comprehensive guide/tutorial/lecture that describes in more detail some example applications.

    I didn't know that about the logging though! This sounds really interesting, I'll definitely give this a try to gather some more intel during the search.



  • 4.  RE: Resources for extending the CP Optimizer

    Posted Thu September 14, 2023 12:39 PM

    nice for proublem of cp optimizer

    Muhammad imran