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Optimization Studio "automatic closing" behaviour

  • 1.  Optimization Studio "automatic closing" behaviour

    Posted Fri September 15, 2023 02:51 PM


       I don't know if I am in the right place to ask this kind of question, and I could not find the topic previously answered. 

       In Optimization Studio (using version I can't find a way to configure the editor to stop trying to close my quotes and parenthesis. It seems there are option for "Client-side JavaScript" but it does not seems to take effect when editing OPL models.

    Am I missing something or does the options to disable this feature exists somewhere else ? Config files maybe ? Commande line ? 

    Thanks in advance !

    Luc Charest

  • 2.  RE: Optimization Studio "automatic closing" behaviour

    Posted Mon October 16, 2023 03:41 AM


    The Client-side Javascript / typing settings is inherited from the Eclipse Web Tool Platform plugin and is supposed to only work when editing .js files .

    Unfortunately the OPL editors currently do not provide (exposed or private) settings to disable the default behaviour of closing braces and parenthesis.

    You may want to open the OPL files in a different editor, such as the basic TextEditor, but you will lose all other OPL specific functionalities

    Frederic Delhoume