Originally posted by: Bahman
Hello Everyone,
I am solving a simple LP, where I have obtained the optimal solution. However, one the process of solving an stochastic model, I have to solve the model again with fixed vector of optimal first stage variables. Thus, I ran the code, obtained the optimal vector, fixed it as a data (float, rather than a dvar) then, solved it again. It shows conflicts and relaxations.
I wonder, how an optimal solution to a problem can be infeasible if we fix it as a given vector.
{int} C = asSet(1..4);
{int} T = asSet(1..5);
float r[C] = [0.0, 250, 510, 700];
{int} S = asSet(1..2);
float p[S] = [1/3, 2/3];
float intact[S] = [0.90, 0.90];
dvar float+ x[C][T][S];
dvar float+ y[C][T][S];
maximize sum(t in T, s in S, c in C) p[s] * r[c] * x[c][t][s];
forall(s in S, c in C)
ct0: x[c][1][s] <= y[c][1][s];
forall(s in S)
ct1: y[1][1][s] == 8000;
forall(s in S)
ct2: y[2][1][s] == 10000;
forall(s in S)
ct3: y[3][1][s] == 20000;
forall(s in S)
ct4: y[4][1][s] == 60000;
forall(s in S, c in C)
ct5: x[c][2][s] <= y[c][2][s];
forall(s in S)
ct6: y[1][2][s] == sum(c in C) x[c][1][s];
forall(s in S)
ct7: y[2][2][s] == intact[s] * (y[1][1][s] - x[1][1][s]) ;
forall(s in S)
ct8: y[3][2][s] == intact[s] * (y[2][1][s] - x[2][1][s]) ;
forall(s in S)
ct9: y[4][2][s] == intact[s] * (y[3][1][s] - x[3][1][s]) + intact[s] * (y[4][1][s] - x[4][1][s]) ;
forall(s in S, c in C)
ct10: x[c][3][s] <= y[c][3][s];
forall(s in S)
ct11: y[1][3][s] == sum(c in C) x[c][2][s];
forall(s in S)
ct12: y[2][3][s] == intact[s] * (y[1][2][s] - x[1][2][s]) ;
forall(s in S)
ct13: y[3][3][s] == intact[s] * (y[2][2][s] - x[2][2][s]) ;
forall(s in S)
ct14: y[4][3][s] == intact[s] * (y[3][2][s] - x[3][2][s]) + intact[s] * (y[4][2][s] - x[4][2][s]) ;
forall(s in S, c in C)
ct15: x[c][4][s] <= y[c][4][s];
forall(s in S)
ct16: y[1][4][s] == sum(c in C) x[c][3][s];
forall(s in S)
ct17: y[2][4][s] == intact[s] * (y[1][3][s] - x[1][3][s]) ;
forall(s in S)
ct18: y[3][4][s] == intact[s] * (y[2][3][s] - x[2][3][s]) ;
forall(s in S)
ct19: y[4][4][s] == intact[s] * (y[3][3][s] - x[3][3][s]) + intact[s] * (y[4][3][s] - x[4][3][s]) ;
forall(s in S, c in C)
ct20: x[c][5][s] == 0;
forall(s in S)
ct21: y[1][5][s] == sum(c in C) x[c][4][s];
forall(s in S)
ct22: y[2][5][s] == intact[s] * (y[1][4][s] - x[1][4][s]) ;
forall(s in S)
ct23: y[3][5][s] == intact[s] * (y[2][4][s] - x[2][4][s]) ;
forall(s in S)
ct25: y[4][5][s] >= intact[s] * (y[3][4][s] - x[3][4][s]) + intact[s] * (y[4][4][s] - x[4][4][s]) ;
forall(s in S)
ct26: y[4][5][s] == 40000;
After running the model, we obtain y* vector as follows:
float y[C][T][S] = [[[8000, 8000],
[90000, 90000],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[34288, 34288]],
[[10000, 10000],
[7200, 7200],
[81000, 81000],
[0, 0],
[0, 0]],
[[20000, 20000],
[0, 0],
[6480, 6480],
[72900, 72900],
[0, 0]],
[[60000, 60000],
[0, 0],
[0, 0],
[5832, 5832],
[40000, 40000]]];
Now, we comment out the dvar y[C][T][S], and solve the model using the y[C][T][S] data as above (optimal solution of the same model! Now conflicts pop up due to infeasibility.
I thought that replacing each constraints with == with one >= and another <=, may work, but it didn't.
I would really appreciate if you please share your idea on this.